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Showing 1-9 of 11 entries
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F Series Planes
Collection by Sneaky Druid
F series is Super-Sonic planes, they are used as mission planes to complete high altitude missions, VIP pass-out missions, are if you want to go some location fast and back. Only downside of these category planes are not having enough fuel for longer dista
Mr. 92 Co-op Maps - Season 2
Collection by Sneaky Druid
Like the previous season this one makes you think with portal, hardens your bond with the partner, but never makes you solve it under a minute. The Season 1:
J Series Ships
Collection by Sneaky Druid
J series is a basic exploration unmanned ships, in short Props. Nearly they are the same as H series ships only being different at they are only remote controlled. Please remember to read ships description in order to learn specific usage. To see all categ
K Series Ships
Collection by Sneaky Druid
K series are usually orbiters rockets. All of them has at least parachutes to land back safely, some of them includes remote control system to complete orbit, carry payload, and de-orbit back to atmosphere. Important Note: If these crafts are in crash cour
I Series Ships
Collection by Sneaky Druid
This category ships all dedicated to carry personals and tourist from A to B. Please remember to read ships description in order to learn specific usage. To see all categories
Sneaky Druid's Ship Library
Collection by Sneaky Druid
Here is the all ships and air crafts that I created in the game. I'm sharing so anyone if he/she want, can use these ship without needing to build them self from the basics. All crafts in here build in career mod and by using mod "Kerbal Engineer Redux" an
H Series Ships
Collection by Sneaky Druid
H series are basic space ships that include pilot seat and enough fuel to just complete its mission. Please remember to read ships description in order to learn specific usage. To see all categories
Mr. 92 Co-op Maps - Season 1 Remastered
Collection by Sneaky Druid
Remastered series of Old Co-Op maps. Mr. 92 Co-op Maps - Season 1 A mystery incident cause a glitch in the system and made a test environments unexpectedly. Can our robot buddies able to solve these maps and find the source of this unknown glitch with your
Mr. 92's Co-Op Maps Season 1
Collection by Sneaky Druid
The Players who love challenge will love this maps. Why?, Because maps are HARD not like other maps done with in the min. So what is need to complete this maps; Good Team-Work, Careful Overview and Patient and "Try and Fail Method" you will get a Cake, I P
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