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How to play Charge Blade
Primary attack: LM
Secondary attack: RM
Block: Ctrl/Mouse button on the Left side of your mouse (MOUSE 4)

\/ = Hold
=> = follow with

AED = Amped Elemental Discharge
SAED = Super Amped Elemental Discharge (Ultra Amped Elemental Dishcharge in Rise)

Sword Mode Basics:

This is a small set of moves in sword mode that are useful to know before the following sections. Attacking in Sword mode will gradually build up phial energy in your Sword. As you build up more energy your phial gauge will change color from white, to yellow, to red.

Three Hit Combo:
LM => LM => LM

Charge Double Slash:
RM \/

Phial Charge Loop:
RM \/ => LM => RM \/

If you attack too much in Sword mode without reloading, your sharpness gauge will glow red and all your Sword attacks will be deflected. Reloading with yellow or red phial outlines will refill some phials and reset your Sword phial energy buildup to zero.

Loading Phials:
CTRL/M4 + M2

Loading Phials into Axe Mode:
CTRL/M4 + M2 => M2

Sword Charging:
Hold CTRL/M4+M2 Until Sword is completely lowered then let go to attack and charge your sword. You can only charge your sword if your shield is charged!

Sliding: After doing an attack you can slide to different sides for repositioning. Every other directional key slides to a different direction, this can be really useful when executed well.
W, A, S or D + RM

Amped Element Discharge or Super Amped Elemental Discharge :

Axe Mode Basics:

Switch to axe mode :
Sheathed: CTRL/M4

Unsheathed: CTRL/M4+LM

Overhit Slash:
LM => LM

Dash Slam:
W + LM

Looping Combo:
RM => RM => LM

Amped Element Discharge or Super Amped Elemental Discharge (From Axe):

RM => RM => RM

Morph to Sword:

Elemental Roundslash (Shield Charge):

Whilst doing a AED Press CTRL or M4 To cancel it and charge up your Shield. This will consume all Phials. The time it stays charged is dependent on how many phials you used to charge it.

Super Amped Elemental Discharge:

For an SAED, a charged shield is required, but charging your sword as well increases its damage output.
Try looking for as many windows as possible for SEAD's since they can do a lot of damage.

You can also cancel out of an SAED and instead do an AED by doing the following:
SAED + *S + M1

* I put an star by S since its dependent on which way the camera is facing, so for instance if your looking at the left side of your character you would have to press D

Guard Points:

When switching between sword and axe mode there is a small window where you hold up your shield, this is called a guardpoint.

When hitting a guardpoint your character will default into the guard animation (depending on how hard the hit was that hit you, I will get back on that later). You can then follow-up with a multitude of attacks like AED's or SEAD's. Guardpointing is particularly useful for hitting AED's in tight windows. When using Impact Phials, Guardpoints also do stun damage if your shield is charged.

Speaking of charged shield, if your shield is charged you gain 2 levels of guard meaning that it is easier to guardpoint or simply guard harder hits without getting knocked back. This means you can't guardpoint any attack and still do a follow-up, if an attack hits harder than your current level of guard you will get knocked back and wont be able to follow up an attack, you will however guard any other on-coming attack (If that attack is guard able of course).

Players can also trigger your guardpoint (which can be very useful or very annoying).

Guardpoints also easily trigger the Offensive Guard skill, this plus guard level 3 means you can easily guardpoint almost any attack.


In iceborne there is a new attack for the charge blade and goes like this:
While doing an Amped Elemental Discharge press the slinger button and you swing your axe up charging it and doing chip damage while attacking in axe mode

Artillery: Strengthens explosive attacks like gunlance shells, Wyvern's Fire,
Charge blade phial attacks , and sticky ammo.
( Only works for Impact Phials!! )

Capacity Boost: Increases the gunlance's shell capacity and Charge Blade's phial capacity .

Focus: Increases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks.

Power Prolonger: Allows long swords, dual blades, insect glaives, switch axes and Charge Blades to stay powered up longer.

Offensive Guard: Temporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly-timed guard.

Guard: Reduces knockbacks and stamina depletion when guarding.


Monster Hunter Rise:

I'll refer to the wirebugs button as WRB
Example: WRB+M1

Of course new in Monster Hunter Rise are the wirebugs. Every weapon has multiple new wirebugs (Silkbind) Attacks

Silkbind attacks for Charge Blade:

Morphing Advance:

With Morphing Advance you'll launch yourself forward equiping your axe. On its own it doesn't do alot, but with a couple of other button presses you can combo it in an Element Disharge, Amped Element Discharge or a Roundslash. If your phials are loaded you can combo this silkbind attack in an Amped Elemental Discharge and charge your shield.

Morphing Advance into Elemental Discharge:
WRB+M1 => M2

Morphing Advance into (Super (Ultra in Rise)) Amped Elemental Discharge:
WRB+M1 => M1+M2

Morphing Advance into a Roundslash:

Morphing Advance into a Shield Charge (Phials need to be Loaded):
WRB+M1 => M1+M2 =>CTRL/M4

The second Silkbind attack is of course with the other mouse button. This "Attack" is called Counter Peak Performance, and is a really Powerfull parry wich charges all your phials if you get hit by an attack of a monster

Counter Peak Performance:

This can be used for multiple handy moves

Counter Peak Performance into a simple Axe Slam

WRB+M2 => M2

Counter Peak Performance into a (Ultra) Amped Elemental Discharge

WRB+M2 => M1 + M2

This can also be used to charge your shield

WRB+M2 => M1 + M2 => CTRL/M4

Counter Peak Performance into a Sword Charge (Shield needs to be Charged):
WRB+M2 => M1

A Switch skill wich you can replace Counter Peak Performance with is Axe Hopper. With Axe Hopper you launch yourself into the air wich gives you multiple options

A casual attack you can do, it basically does a slash downwards
WRB+M2 => M2

Midair Ultra Amped Elemental Dishcharge, a really really powerful attack doing not only the damage from the UAED but also the hit you land on the monster
WRB+M2 => M1+M2

Artillery: Strengthens explosive attacks like gunlance shells, Wyvern's Fire,
Charge blade phial attacks , and sticky ammo.
( Only works for Impact Phials!! )

Capacity Boost: Increases the gunlance's shell capacity and Charge Blade's phial capacity .

Focus: Increases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks.

Power Prolonger: Allows long swords, dual blades, insect glaives, switch axes and Charge Blades to stay powered up longer.

Offensive Guard: Temporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly-timed guard.

Rapid Morph: Increases switch speed and power for Switch Axes and Charge Blades .

If i forgot something please tell me in my profile comments! :mhwgood:
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Smile Animations 29 Nov, 2024 @ 7:18am 
Thank you rol! you awesome sauce person
RoL 28 Nov, 2024 @ 11:44am 
hello mark your name is so cool and it doesn't end with C!
Nichu 10 Oct, 2024 @ 5:40am 
Real and true
Chicken_nugget1218 10 Oct, 2024 @ 5:31am 
This guy is in love with kushala
Ashenlad 22 Sep, 2024 @ 2:01pm 
absolutely disgusting :mhwno:
Smile Animations 21 Sep, 2024 @ 2:17am