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Posted: 20 May, 2022 @ 7:15am
Updated: 8 Aug, 2023 @ 4:40am

Early Access Review
So, I've been waiting for this game for a few years. I've just finished the first campaign and in general it has a few key issues. But let's start with...

The Good:
- Art style is nice. Not the best, but nice. Pixel art is not my thing but models and animations are acceptable. The problem though, due to being pixel art, nothing is too clear (compared to Heroes games, especially Heroes 3). On the adventure map, a lot of buildings are non-descriptive or non-characteristic. But still, they look nice.
- Flow of the game in general is quite good. When you get used to the mechanics, like recruiting units instantly from your other towns with Rally Point or casting unlimited amount of spells per turn is bit different but kinda welcome. The unlimited casting thing has a down side but I'll get to that in a minute.

The Meh:
- Factions are... not very special. Main faction in the first campaign is literally Castle/Haven with a twist. Necros are as expected, skellies and rats. Mercenary faction is pretty bland from what I've seen so far. I think there is also a Fortress faction but I haven't seen much from them yet. They are mostly in the second campaign I think.
- Units are not specifically special either. The game has a unit based mana mechanic, which is different. Each unit has a mana type and they generate that when their turn comes up in combat. Then your hero can cast spells with those mana types (think like MtG mana but creatures generate the mana instead of lands). From what I understand, there are Might and Magic hero types (and we obviously had the Might hero as our main hero in the first campaign) and once again, Might focused heroes suck a bit. More to that later.

The Succ:
- The absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ imbalance, especially in the campaign. Even after the latest patch to balance it out, enemy heroes in the last mission of the Castle faction has almost infinite amount of units. I had to restart the mission twice, took parts of the map inch by inch, lost some parts and tried to retake to lost towns again and again... It took literally 10 hours to finish the last mission. I might've got cancer while trying to finish that last mission.

PS: If you can manage to sneak in your hero to the top leftmost town and kill the guy in front of the town, it's over. But enemy's wandering heroes are literal gods with constantly fully stacked armies, sooo good luck.

- The spellcasting. I mentioned this a couple of times but as different and refreshing as it is, unlimited spell casting becomes absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with Magic focused heroes. You can get hit with 2 Armaggedon, 2-3 chain lightning and a few other fireball-like spells at the same time and lose every single unit while winning. While Magic heroes can do this, Might heroes can... boost troop defences a bit, give a little bit of initiative or grant an extra turn to a unit (which is probably the saving grace of Might heroes).
- Autosave/Battle Save system: After playing Heroes 3 HD+ for years, I really got used to the battle save that let's me replay a battle or take me to the exact moment before I engage the enemy. This game however, doesn't even have a decent Autosave feature. To be fair, it DOES autosave but it usually take you a few turns before, which you need to replay again. I can't even remember how many times I had to replay a ♥♥♥♥ ton of turns just because I forgot to make a quick save. I even had to play a few major battles just because of a simple mistake I made later and forgot to make a manual save. Btw, yes, the game allows you to customize the number of autosaves and autosave frequency in the Options menu but it still doesn't fix anything.

In short... This game has a lot of potential to be a very good one. It may not be a classic like Heroes 3 but it won't be forgotten quickly by the fans of the genre, that's for sure. BUT, I still can't recommend the game in this EA state. It still has a lot of balancing issues and some of the features should be reworked. I'll wait for the full release and if the issues get fixed, I'll probably recommend it then.

Edit: After numerous updates to the game, the addition of map generator and all the other features, I can now wholeheartedly recommend the game.
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Fletcho 27 May, 2022 @ 2:05am 
The final mission is easily doable with a little planning. Using Fey troops stacks chaos magic which can be used with Chain Ligntning to destroy most ranged in every fight.