Drake Xanders

Have you seen my Sword?

Sup, I'm a guy who does things. I play a lot of games, tend to be playing games and do not possess a life. It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ gr8.

To my Friends: If I'm playing a game, appearing offline in Discord or anything drop a damn message. It's not hard. A simple 'Hi" If I'm around, not busy ect I'll respond fairly quickly. If I am busy i'll get to you when I can. If I'm not at the computer then I'm not at the computer, hard to respond when I don't have a phone. Just like when I'm busy I'll get back to you when I can. Unless you annoy me then I'l just make ya wait. Kappa
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TL;DR : The Division is a better post apocolyptic RPG then Fallout 4. Good job Bethesda.

Edit: To further summarize what I've said below. It's a good action adventure game that has the barebones of narrative. You'll find yourself exploring and checking things out then crudely reminded that "Oh yeah I have a son out there to find" The game is an ocean wide, but about as deep as a mud puddle in terms of content.

If not compared to other Fallout Titles it's an amazing action adventure shooter. When compared to main release and even spin off Fallout titles it's.. Disappointing. What makes Fallout, Fallout is choice. Fallout 4 at the end of the day removes that choice. Removes freedoms you had from character builds to dialogue options that would reveal character backstory. From being A Messiah or a Menace to the wasteland. That at the end of the day is why I will always dislike Fallout 4 compared to other Fallout games.

2020 Edit:

It's better than Fallout 76, Mods make it better but it still lacks a lot of heart and soul of what made Fallout, Fallout. However with the price drop to 39.99 CAD [From 69.99} and the GOTY existing, On sale this game is a fun shooting adventure just go into it knowing it's not your proper fallout experience and that you should more than likely get the unofficial patches to fix some of the more core issues.
Oh Fallout 4, Where shall I begin. First of all lets change the name from Fallout. Sure you got a Fallout coat of paint and you look like Fallout but the Fallout I remember had true RPG elements too it. From Fallout 1's Isometric view and good story telling [and the 'D&D' RPG aspects that added to well, it being a RPG.] to Fallout 3's more narrative but still RPG-Shootery adventure. Literally "Oblivion with guns". New Vegas was also really good as it added even more RPG aspects and made Karma / Rep actually mean something..

Now we got Fallout 4. It's an *Incredible* Shooter. A wonderful, satisfying shooter with a rather nice and in depth customization system which isn't bad for Bethesda's first attempt at a customization system. However it ISN'T A Fallout Game. The Karma system? Gone. Afterall, why should you be looked at like a monster for blowing up a town full of innocent people? Or Genociding a section of the map. You aren't punished for this. At all. You can go around, shooting settlers in the face and nobody will CARE. Least in Skyrim Guards would run at you and throw their sticks at you while you yell at them in Dragon Tongue and send them flying away, wondering where their damn sweetroll is.

Then we got the Casualized conversation system. Sarcasm isn't Sarcasm half the damn time it's just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. There's a difference between witty Sarcasm and just being a blunt ♥♥♥♥. Sure mods can fix this but when Bethesda actively disables any sort of Achievement progress for having a mod that shows you what your character will actually say, or get rid of the god awful UI they use for conversations it's kinda.. well, It's showing what Bethesda really thinks of the modding community. [Yes I know there's a mod to disable that stupid 'feature' But common, You can use the console and just godmode your way through the game and get every achievement but you can't use a mod to fix their UI?]

Then we got the story. OOOH BOY. Far Habour is pretty good. NOT WORTH THIRTY DOLLARS CANADIAN. But still pretty gud. But the Main games story is absolute garbage and in the end it literally turns into Team Deathmatch for lack of better term. [[I went Brotherhood, and Minutemen for my two runs.]

Then we got the price. Still $79.99 for the full game. Another $69.99 if you want the season pass. This is in Canadian. IN terms of price to content IMO not worth. Mods can do what Contraptions, Wasteland, Vault-tec and Automatron Workshop DLC's and do it better. They are just nifty little add on DLC's that don't add anything to the main game, just the side Settlement stuff. Wait until price drop. Until then do not buy this game if you haven't already.

I'm sorry Bethesda, But ever since Morrowind every big game you put out has been getting more and more casualized and less actual RPG-esque. Fallout 4 is just the next step. Lets ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HOPE you turn things around with Elder Scrolls VI and make your games RPG's instead of Action Adventure games which is what you used to do, and do well.
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Midnight Sun Highlander 19 Apr, 2024 @ 12:18pm 
Drake Xanders 18 Sep, 2022 @ 9:19am 
I haven't played FGO in like at least 2 years. Not seriously anyways... Everything else is true however.
Eclipse 17 Sep, 2022 @ 7:57pm 
L + Ratio + FGO + Arknights + Honkai + ur mom ♥
Midnight Sun Highlander 6 Dec, 2018 @ 11:09am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ epic
Drake Xanders 26 Nov, 2018 @ 5:16am 
Oof, F In chat for my VAC Ban from Black Ops II Zombies cause I used mods with friends in a Custom Game lobby. Also, Fun fact Black Ops II Zombies is VAC Protected, and VAC Works! XD
Midnight Sun Highlander 5 Jul, 2018 @ 1:39am 
oppan weedam style !