I am a 233 year old dragon. I will laugh as none of you believe me.
Currently Offline
ShadowPillow 24 Jan, 2017 @ 1:56pm 
Well, this had happened quite the many years ago. I might still be young, for a dragon, but I believe I have learned much since then. I learned the arts of living on this earth – there was one earth dragon who discovered me and recognized me for what I was. I could not tell you, now, where she resides, but I will always hold my memory of her close to me.

My wings have since healed, and now I remain here by choice – or is it fear, of what I may not find if I attempt to return? Nevertheless, I have found that these humans aren't so bad after all, and I live comfortably.

One day, though, I will return. Even now, my dreams are filled with dreams of flight. I miss the skies.
ShadowPillow 24 Jan, 2017 @ 1:56pm 
I greet you warmly, wanderer kin.

I will tell you my story.

I was born to the west wind, born to live in the sky above all earthern troubles. For my very early years, thus I did live, free and adventurous. I roamed the skies with my kin – for back then, many of us dragons of the sky had roamed together – and explored other airs in the world.

It was, of course, curiosity and adventure, then, that brought me down to earth.

I had gone myself – I thought it would be but a short trip. But when I landed (what strange cloud! I remember thinking, what strange appearance!), I landed poorly, my wings injured. This "earth" was much less forgiving than the clouds we spelled to hold our weight. I was alone, injured, knowing nothing of this new world I had unwittingly crashed into.
Tygerfyre 23 Jan, 2017 @ 9:00pm 
Who am I to dragon kind? More than just an observer, more than a helper, more than the vengeful spirit for your kind. To be called a simple guardian is not quite enough to describe what I am. To some, I am honorary dragonkin. An immortal wanderer who has settled, briefly, on the continent. Just a few of these human years more, I may vanish once again to explore again, however, I decided, for now, I shall rest myself for -perhaps - just a few decades. This is who I am. I have not, however, seen you until recently, so I apologize for not recognising you as dragonkin immediately. I wish to hear your story to spin stories of your life, to remember what you are for the future. I wish to hear your story to see your evolution, to see how your life changes along these years. I wish to hear your story for the generations, even later than now. I wish to hear your story to record, to remember. I wish to hear your story to warn you of what the future could hold for you. I wish to tell your story.
ShadowPillow 16 Jan, 2017 @ 7:51am 
Before I tell you any of my story, might I ask, who are you to us dragon kind? These are things that I do not divulge simply, no matter how simple they do seem.

Though - I thank you for your blessing. It is greatly welcomed and it warms my soul to recieve it.
Tygerfyre 11 Jan, 2017 @ 3:42pm 
You state you are a dragon.170 years? You are but a child. For aeons, I have seen civilizations grow and fall. I have helped many dragons birth and been have been asked to execute the last wishes of dragons, centuries, nay, millennia years old.
You state you are a dragon. To this I question: Do you take the shape of one of the East or one of the West? Of what element do you lord over? Do you know of any of your fellow dragons? I know many of you are quite territorial, but I wish to know your relations with the rest of your kin.
You state you are a dragon. I hope you the best. I have seen too many of your kin hunted to the ends of the earth, simply due to the fact you are a dragon. Humans seem to place blame on dragonkin for things you do not cause, yet humans still wish to make you scapegoats.
You state you are a dragon. Yet you are still young. I bestow upon you luck. I bestow upon you my blessing.
ShadowPillow 7 Jul, 2016 @ 9:02pm 
Hello. XD

(I'm so late in noticing that this was here.)