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Many years ago I played Ratchet and Clank Size Matters on the PSP while sitting in a hilton hotel in new hampshire, I loved it and played it for hours upon hours.

I've had many sony consoles since but eventually my need for a PC outgrew them, so I decided to abandon consoles and stick with a PC for gaming. With that I lost the console exclusives and such, I almost considered getting a PS5 for Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart however!

Buut.. I decided to wait after seeing God of War, Spiderman, and Horizon Zero Dawn release on the PC.

I was super excited to see Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart releasing on PC and the moment I found out? I went and purchased it without even second guessing it and I am glad I did.

The game is beautiful, fun, runs actually pretty good despite what people are saying, and takes me back to the way games used to be and or should be to be honest. Fun, challenging enough, but it doesn't hand you everything along the way.

You progress, grow, the story is great, and the characters have a ton of personality. I don't think I have smiled this much about a game in a long while now, Thank you Nixxes, Sony, Insomniac, etc. Please port the remainder of the series! Honestly, I would definitely buy them.

There are a couple of pitfalls though! BUT! That's to be expected as a newly released PC Port, Crashing, some people having performance issues, all that is natural. Give it time! Let them patch it! It'll all work out in the end.

All in all! 10/10, would absolutely recommend. I am 10 hours in.. and I cannot get enough!