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Posted: 15 Apr, 2023 @ 1:03pm


Do you like reading?
Do you like sonic?
Do you like PYOP adventures that really aren't PYOP?
Then welcome to 'The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog'

Fr, tho I loved this game. It felt so cute, I enjoyed most interactions with the characters! And being a sidekick to Tails was an honour. I WANT A SEQUEL... or at least another visual novel game. My only grief with the game is the 'THINK!' scenes where you play on the game gear or whatever it was. It felt like a last minute inclusion to make the final boss make sense. Speaking of Final Boss I love the hints that somethings wrong. The Poker Chips, the Blowdart- GAH!!! I LOVE THE PASSION PUT INTO THIS GAME!!! THANK YOU, SONIC COMMUNITY!!!!
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