Aliases: SLeNd3rMaN23, Calibur Master.
My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CaliburMaster
Catch Me Live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWPj_H6N3TBpG5mnix3UuZw
Discord for Soulsborne Commissions Requests only: slend3rman23
Currently Offline
About Me
Hey, I'm SLeNd3rMaN23. I'm also known on YouTube as Calibur Master, Most people just call me slend3r though.

I have a really small youtube channel that im trying to grow

I make mods for, Garry's mod, Half Life 1, Dark Souls 3 Sekiro and Elden Ring, Batman Arkham Knight (learning)

I don't join random discord servers even if invited unless I know many people there already and its not packed with 100s of members. So don't bother.

You can Check out my old mods at my Moddb page here
and my newer Nexus Mods page here [www.nexusmods.com]

I'm 29 / Male

Friend Requests:

Due to me being scammed and my account been stolen twice by legit looking profiles, I wont be accepting friend requests unless you give me a legitimate good reason in my profile comments. I am sorry but that's how it will be now.


Type of modding I do:

I usually like to rip/extract assets from various games and make mods using said assets. I've helped various people make mods with assets and animations from other games (Mostly Unity and Unreal Engine 4 based).

If i'm not extracting assets and using them for mods I'm either making gmod maps for myself or modding a souls game and now Batman Arkham knight too.

I do take commisions for SoulsBorne modding content so If you're interested contact me on discord.

Some of my favorite Anime

Too many to list, Just ask.

My Current Specs:

32 GB DDR4 ram (2x 16 GB sticks)
1 4K UHD Monitor
RTX 3070
Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
240 GB SSD
Completionist Showcase
Video Showcase
Elden Ring Main Menu Replacement [Mod][Dark Souls 3]
Video Showcase
[Gameplay/mod] The Blades of Ashina PVP Matches w/Rombodawg [Dark Souls 3]
12 1
Workshop Showcase
What is Otherworld? Otherworld are a small amount addons for sandbox to create a first person survival horror atmosphere inspired by games such as Silent Hill, Cry of Fear, Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 8. I am unsure of how long I will make addons for
27 ratings
Created by - 『.スレンダー』
Screenshot Showcase
Batman™: Arkham Knight
Favorite Guide
Created by - 『.スレンダー』
100 ratings
This short guide will contain links to most of the best Mods that are the most essential for an enjoyable experience available as of 13th of August 2021. I'll also be Updating this Guide every now and then when something good comes out that makes this game
『.スレンダー』 26 Feb @ 1:04pm 
@Proxy-senpai uh somewhere, add me on discord and ill send you it.
Proxy-senpai 26 Feb @ 12:19pm 
Do you still have the toolkit for Bloody Spell mods?
Tank Enjoyer 22 Feb @ 3:52pm 
Based Saya no Uta thumbnail
zero 14 Nov, 2024 @ 10:25pm 
Thank you mate. You can find me easier here. Anyway if you need any help with anything let me know. Thanks again
『.スレンダー』 14 Nov, 2024 @ 12:24am 
@zero hey add me on discord, i'm more active there then on steam.
zero 14 Nov, 2024 @ 12:13am 
Hi mate how are you doing? Sorry to bother you. I was there when 嗜血印 Bloody Spell was out back in 2019. I even posted a version of tigerW tutorial in YouTube. Anyways I have been gone for a while XD. My old pc died along with my mods and tools. I saw your post but I think it is old XD. I message the game developers long ago but there is no answer. IDK. Can you share the tools zip file if you still have it. Thanks. I create mods for a lot of games. Mostly Resident Evil Games. Old and new like the remakes. If you need something and I can help you let me know. Thanks again.