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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 670.0 hrs on record (138.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 Aug, 2016 @ 7:41pm

Early Access Review
No matter how long it takes this game to finish, its still better than any other zombie survival games thats filled with glitches and bugs people use to take advantage of or that devs had quit and run off with the money.

This game used to be $9.99 and is $16.99. In 15 years time, it may increase for the amounts of hard work and dedication they put in with the help of the community filld with talented modders to satisfy the gamer needs in a zombie survival acopalyspe. They even set up an official website for their team. Spiffo is their iconic mascot. They even set up merchandies hopefully to gain more supports and profit.

Key points to make this game so successful than other zombie games:
-No microtransactions to make your survival in the game any easier or to gain advantage over other survivors
-Multiplayer (Made sure the server is not going to be laggy and can support as high as 64 players at once with millions of zombies in there)
-skills are upgraded through training (reading books, only gives you knowledge, not points. so they act as a exp multiplier)
-traits are balanced for no one is born to be perfect but can be born with a talent involving cooking, shooting etc. (so you get positive traits and negative traits)
-Crafting system (Alot of things can be crafted and is heavily implemented)
-Customization ( Characters physical attributes, choice of clothing and colours.
-HUDS (with so much detail and entities they add in, the hud layout is great, intuitive and convenient for the gamers to access their inventory/storages with few simple clicks that players can see the background of the surroundings they are in so they don't get attacked by random zombies and etc.
-Modding and helpful community (
-grapghics can be subjected topic here (some like cartoony, some don't. The gameplay itself is beyond
-Huge replayability. Maps don't change the positions and locations of buildings but the looting spawns and zombies can with a heavy implemented HUD that allows you to change those settings to fit your taste in a z-acopolyspe world, i.e running modern zombies vs. stragglers based on old perception how zombies were like)

Pros: Devs never gave up developing on the game, but do have dificulty in making updates as what the crowd wants like NPCs, and vehicles for a long time of period. They focus on fixing bugs and glitches to get a smooth gameplay and to stall time, they introduce other small minor things that is really not that important (could be wanted later in the future) but did so probably because their team figured something out thenew system and the tool they are operating currently have so much potential in introducing other things to make the game more real as it is.

The old version had npcs based on the old software they had been using to make this game. Then, they want to polish the game, adding more updates to the one they were using before which couldnt allow them because there so many limitations and boundaries to what the team had imagined this game would turn out to be in their own imagination.

The reason the NPCs and vehicles is hard to add into the game is really simple:
They wanted to perfect the entities (personality traits, background stories to each survivor, some could be recruited some are backstabbers, looters, killers, etc.. they want to add in they added in so it doesnt turn out horrible. Re-fixing it takes more time. So its better to not put it in
This game is still fun, more realistic feel in a zombie apocalyspe.

Cons: Updates being done by the devs is reaaaaaaaallllly long. So long it may take approx. 15 years to polish this game without having any sort of bugs and glitches and out of beta.
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