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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3,743.4 hrs on record (988.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Jun, 2020 @ 4:02am
Updated: 6 Jun, 2020 @ 1:55am

This game is just pure trash, there are so many problems with this game and i'm tired of this let's list some of them:
1. Cheaters and Smurfers
- The f*cking anti-cheat is so trash, for example some players have been hacking for months and they STILL HAVEN'T been banned, the champion rank is FULL of cheaters.
- Smurfing? How can it be solved? I think that many players are smurfing because the upper ranks are full of cheaters.
- Another solution to this is by having a limited number accounts per ip.
- Another thing would be that every account would need a different phone number.
2. Bugs
- EVERY CAMO & CHARM will be taken off on single gun and operator
- Your ranked match won't start and if you cancel the matchmaking you wont be able to play a ranked match for some time
- Game showing you that you have all the operators avaliable
- In-game sounds (footsteps, gun sounds) are f*cked and things like miscellaneous map sound for example dogs barking radios, wind, etc. SHOULDN'T EXIST.
- Client side things like: bodies barricades or smokes, for example on your screen a body is in the doorframe and you hide in it but you die. How? Because for the guy that killed you was no body there because its client sided.
- Light bugs, shadows not working as they should be.
- Shields, are bugged as hell sometimes the bullet GOES TROUGH the shield and that is game-breaking
- Clash, the operator, for example in the new season Steel Waves that is coming out in the next 2 weeks, there is a bug with Clash that you can have the shield AND the gun equipped at the same time and of course you can shoot.
- Invisible character models / floating weapons
- Shotguns, there are many clips on the internet that show people shooting other AT POINT BLANK RANGE and not getting a kill.
- Rubber Banding.
- C4 and Grenades exploding RIGHT NEXT to the enemy and nothing happens.
- Drones not being able to spot the bomb
- Smoke remote gas grenades BEING ABLE TO PASS UNBREAKABLE WALLS.
3. Other Problems
- Trash servers, ping going up to 700-800 in the middle of the game and keeping it like that for several seconds, and that's not it, If you keep that high ping for sometime Battle-eye will detect that as a "cheat" or something and will kick you out because of you high ping and because you were removed by battle-eye you can't join back and you will receive an abandon sanction. And then you are like: "For what?" And then you realise that it's because the servers are trash.
- Ember rise skins on some maps FIT PERFECTLY with the map design making the player almost invisible to the naked eye.
- Ubisoft not listening to the community and doing what they want.
- (this is my opinion and might not bother everyone) They say this is a "Realistic" shooter, then why the f*ck do we have cloaked drones, FULLY FUNCTIONAL HOLOGRAMS, laser bulletproof cameras, invisible gu mines, and yes i know it's just a game but this is my opinion.
- Ubisoft NERFING good operators so the trash ones would be picked more, instead of actually buffing the weak ones.
- NO TUTORIAL FOR NEW PLAYERS, new players will need to look on the internet for guides and sh*t because the game doesn't provide that sh*t.
- No new attachments
- No new guns, new OPs gettind recycled ones
- Sh*tty matchmaking, you being bronze and being put in a match with a f*cking gold, like wtf are you supposed to do in that situation?
- Sh*tty skins, Legendary duplicates.
- Broken hitboxes
- Alibi hologram not showing the skins / attachments that Alibi has equipped.
- NO DEATHMATCH gamemode
- ABSOLUTELY no recoil on some weapons and INSANE recoil on others.
- NO Colorblind mode
- Bullet Holes (this sh*t should be removed, its f*cking game-breaking and annoying af.)
- No limb penetration
- Ubisoft removing Acogs on diferent operators thinking that would solve EVERYTHING. Guess what it doesn't solve SH*T.
- Ubisoft thinking they are doing a great job "balancing" operators.
In conclusion this game is not worth your money nor your time, i would spend my money on WinRAR rather than buying this sh*tty as$ game again,
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pilotredlake 13 Jun, 2021 @ 7:49am 
mad cuz bad
Bitch Dealer 14 Apr, 2021 @ 5:23am 
mad cuz bad
broscoi 12 Nov, 2020 @ 8:52am 
mad cuz bad
*Beta* 12 Nov, 2020 @ 8:50am 
mad cuz bad
icedancer 12 Nov, 2020 @ 8:42am 
mad cuz bad
Berkovnik 12 Nov, 2020 @ 8:38am 
mad cuz bad
șomuz fălticeni 5 Nov, 2020 @ 2:27pm 
mad cuz bad
Kun 22 Aug, 2020 @ 5:43am 
mad cuz bad
Roflex Kun 22 Jun, 2020 @ 8:55am 
mad cuz bad
kyzer 13 Jun, 2020 @ 7:25am 
mad cuz bad