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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 79.6 hrs on record
Posted: 13 Mar, 2024 @ 1:54am
Updated: 12 Oct, 2024 @ 12:00pm

---Update 4---
Jumped in after that latest patch.
Nothing exciting, new weapons and stratagems isn't going to stop this game from being ultra repetitive.
I gave up and quit the game out of boredom before even completing the mission i joined.

Democracy apparently means boring and repetitive.

---- Update 3 ----
I give it a 6/10

Well I have put in a number of hours now.
It is still repetitive and the maps are always the same.
However it is good casual fun.
It is such a rewarding sound, hearing your turrets turn a bunch of bugs into juice.

That said, I still think progression is super slow (unless you pay) and the weapons are so so.
It is not a bad game, but I still think it is was hyped up way more than it deserved.
It can be pretty fun at times, so I'm really on the fence if I recommend it or not, but I'm gonna go with updating it to a yes.

--- End update 3 ---

I played around 4 hours, which is not that long obviously, however I will try to break down my experience so far into pros and cons and a short conclusion.

----- update 2 -----
I'm at around 34 hour in the game.
At this stage it is still extremely repetitive.
There are no unlocks that I want left, not that there were that many to begin with.
The game desperately needs more content, weapons mods, loot, story for missions etc.
----- end of update 2 ----

----- update -----
I have played for 9 hours, and I feel like I have been playing the same map over and over and over.
Can't say I'm enjoying this game that much, even with friends it gets old really fast.
Playing a few Quick games with other randoms have all but one ended up with me getting kicked for no reason at the last minute during extraction so I get nothing for helping out for 20 min.
----- end of update ----

Overall good to great sound FX.
Some fun moments when playing co-op while waiting for extraction.
Fun gun play when unloading on a swarm of bugs.

Extremely repetitive.

The unlock system is terrible, it forces me to unlock amour and capes and other sh*t that I don't want. But that's the only way to be able to unlock items in the following tier.

The Automatons missions are boring as F***, boring maps, boring enemies, boring everything.
Janky character movement, and floaty aim, not a big deal but makes the game feel unpolished.

Maps feel dead with little life except for the occasional patrols, and very few incentives to explore, compounded by the fact that there is virtually nothing you can interact with in the world map.

Missions mostly consists of run there do something while facing limited resistance, making missions a repetitive blocker before reaching the exciting part, that is...the last 2 minutes while waiting for extraction. At which point it becomes World War Z defending a point from waves of enemies until the timer reaches 0.

Conclusion at 4 hours of game time:
It's not as amazing as it is made out to be, its an OK game that has its moment but that is it.
Missions are pretty mundane, and instead of being the main event of the game missions feel like fillers to pad game play time by making you run between a number of points on the map, but the most action is the extraction that lasts for 2 minutes at the very end of the mission.

Another issue I have is that so far nothing really feels like a threat, if I get killed it is more likely to be by a team mate than a Bug or Bot. That kinda removes a lot of the thrill of engagements in Helldivers 2. On the rare occasion you do get killed by an enemy is more likely to be one of the following reasons: you ran out of ammo, You were reloading a support weapon and got swarmed, you ran over a mine, you glitched and got stuck inside the map, an enemy glitched and suddenly is behind you.

There is potential, but right now my view is that at its core this game will be very repetitive fast, unless they start dropping in more content and add more variety.
At this point I would rather wait for it to go on sale.
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