washed up red ranger   American Samoa, United States
When the marmot howls where the sun never shines, where the owls hoot in the daytime... you will find me.

wake me up
soddie pops [us.coca-cola.com]
Brown Bricks

Some bands/artists you might like: Aaron Opfer, Anamanaguchi, The Avalanches, Ayria, Backini, Blackmill, Blazo, Bob Acri, Bossfight (Electronic), Boston, Bonobo, Caravan Palace, The Cure, Com Truise, Daft Punk, The Darkest of The Hillside Thickets, Deadmau5, The Dreadnoughts, Dub Fx, Eagles, Electric Light Orchestra, Emancipator, The Evens, Fall Out Boys, Float 11, Foster The People, Gazelle Twin, Gogol Bordello, Gorillaz, Guns N' Roses, Hybrid, Kraftwerk, Ken Ishii, Koh Ohtani, Lemon Jelly, The Lems, Madeon, I Monster, Nightmares on Wax, Nujabes, Dj Okawari, Odjbox, Ok Go, Oingo Boingo, Paddy And The Rats, Parov Stelar, Pendulum, Pogo, Phaeleh, Pink Floyd, Pixies, Pokemon Dad, Polysics, Queen, Ratatat, Rex the Dog, Royksopp, Saint Pepsi, Savlonic, Savant, Shpongle, Smashing Pumpkins, Squeeze, Tatsuro Yamashita, The Steve Miller Band, Sub Focus, Susumu Hirasawa, Talco, Tally Hall, Tokimonsta, Tycho, Ugress, Ukuleleric, Uppermost, Virtual Riot, Mr. Woodnote, xxyyxx.

Video Games With Great Music: Pokemon Emerald Ruby and Sapphire, Shadow of The Colossus, Misadventures of PB Winterbottom, Henry Hatsworth, Donkey Kong Country Returns, All Borderlands Games, Okami, Metroid, Nidhug, Lethal League, Starbound, Rock of Ages, Awesomenauts, Foul Play, Risk of Rain, Swords and Soldiers, Spiral Knights, Bastion, Shovel Knight, Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap.

Them typoes

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speoke 5 Oct, 2019 @ 9:46am 
It was the only way for other people to see the mods i got for rivals of aether sorry boyo.
.lemon 4 Oct, 2019 @ 8:40am 
That moment Speoke liked 50 million Workshop things and took over my Steam activity notices.
ekonaor 13 Aug, 2017 @ 7:20pm 
roanoke 22 Feb, 2016 @ 7:47pm 
What don't you understand about PUSH.
Kronos 8 Feb, 2016 @ 5:51pm 
why can't you do the thing
lem 9 Jan, 2016 @ 7:03am 
I wanan join ur pro agario team we kan be teh dj khaled worshippers:BlackHat: