Koona Choota Solo   Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Mi equipo son ratas :majinbuu: :cozycastondeath:
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| criticism is healthy |

Everybody's talkin' something very shockin'
Just to keep on blockin' what they're feeling inside
But listen to me, brother, you just keep on walkin'
'Cause you and me and sister ain't got nothing to hide
Scatman, fat man, black and white and brown man
Tell me 'bout the color of your soul
If part of your solution isn't ending the pollution
Then I don't want to hear your stories told
I want to welcome you to Scatman's World
This guy is proof that North Korea is the best Korea.
Certified Cornball 28 Jan @ 8:34pm 
hey man!
Reznuv 17 Jan @ 5:37pm 
the diaper pics will continue until conditions improve :gollum: :repoop:
goatse teeth 17 Jan @ 7:29am 
dude stop posting diaper pics on twitter wtf is wrong with you
Reznuv 1 Jan @ 10:33am 
I have a 15 second channel, its a thousand gold more than a glimmer cape, no.
Don't play ogre mid if ur ♥♥♥♥ :majinbuu: :cozycastondeath:
right click doglencer 30 Dec, 2024 @ 11:34pm 
stop building sb on warlock you mentally disabled freak