Gathering the stars of love (1/♾️)
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昵称: Resona :otome_resona:
性别: 绝对是男的
年龄: 22
学历: 香港科技大专 肄业
工作: 家里蹲

1. 英雄联盟常驻钻四,专精卡萨丁葛雷夫,因为一些原因,会练一下布蕾尔
2. 很喜欢视觉小说,尤其是少女理论
3. 严重缺乏运动细胞,不过很喜欢看比赛,比如NBA的湖人、英超的曼联
4. 诸多兴趣/比赛项目中最喜欢Deft选手
5. 五月出生
6. 没有其他联系方式
7. 喜欢的歌手/组合包括霜月遥,茶太,solfa,eufonius,大多是2015年以前的游戏/动画主题曲!
8. 期盼着远行的好友回来继续和我玩
9. 谢谢我的好大哥 桜 给我设计的主页~
Name: Resona :otome_resona:
Gender: Boy in no doubt haha
Age: 22
Education: HKUST, Marginal Pass
Occupation: actively seeking a job^^

1. Diamond IV in LOL, Kassadin and Graves main. Briar will be my 3rd main for some reasons
2. Visual Novels player, my favorite is Otome Riron
3. Terrible in Sports. I love watching matches like NBA (Lakers), Premiere League (Man Utd)
4. My favorite player/idol among all games/matches is Deft
5. born in May
6. I don't have other social media
7. Favorite singers/groups: Shimotsuki Haruka, Chata, solfa, eufonius, mainly related to theme songs for games and animations before 2015 hahahha
8. Waiting for my best friend return to continue our journey
9. Credit to my bro 桜 for artwork of my profile
看见朋友们依然在享受游戏,我也很高兴~ 让我意外的是,居然还有些朋友记得我,实在是受宠若惊。希望大家事事顺利。
1. 现实中不要再被误认为初中生
2. 找到自己存在的意义
3. 我最要好的朋友事事顺利


My crush wondered if I kept a diary. Despite she can't see my steam, my answer is yes, irregularly, here.
Jan 18
I worked damn hard this month. More importantly, I make new friends in my career. Having said that, I am still not sure what I want, and what motivate me.
Jan 19
I found that most friends are still enjoying their lives, which also makes me delighted! It is quite surprising that some still remember me. It really makes my day. Wishing you all the best in future endeavors.
Jan 31
Happy Chinese New Year^^ Wishing you all the best~ I would like to put down some of my wishes as well:
1. Probably I look too young... Please I am 22 now lol. I hope others treat me as an adult at the first glance.
2. Get to know what I am living for
3. Best wishes to my best friend:)

Mar 1
Never expect I can pass 2 modules of qualification exam lol, gonna work even harder next time^^
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Created by - Resona
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Otome Riron to Sono Shuuhen -École de Paris-
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Resona 18 Jan @ 6:02am 

Have worked for 4 months already... I sometimes still recall the prime time. E-meeting with you really makes me better. It motivates me to spare no effort. It is undoubtedly my pleasure to be a part of the community.
Resona 20 Sep, 2024 @ 8:21pm 

I got many messages, it is really my pleasure to be one of the passer-by in your life. Please don't be down or upset. Instead of saying goodbye, I would say this is just a new chapter of my journey. We get to know each other accidentally, but I believe there must be some reasons for us to engage.
摸摸卡 20 Sep, 2024 @ 9:27am 
桃花酥、 20 Sep, 2024 @ 5:57am 
乐琪晚好阿 工作辛苦了
R 20 Sep, 2024 @ 4:20am 
阿福(≧∀≦)ゞ 20 Sep, 2024 @ 3:48am 