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2 people found this review helpful
54.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The Security Update is an absolute mess. For a more concise and quick summary, check out https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/Zullfix/recommended/438100/

Anyway. It's obvious THIS IS A CORPORATE DECISION, and NOT A DEVELOPER DECISION - a sad fact of reality. Developers have no say and get all the blame, while shareholders get golden parachutes.

Regardless, EAC has done more harm than good. The only good thing it has done was get people to give some alternatives more than triple digit players. Now, here's the rundown of what EAC 'provides':

- Did NOT last more than five hours, if not less, before being bypassed during the "Beta", and then got bypassed again during the release.
- Does NOT stop crasher avatars, because they're uploaded via official means and do not do anything that is not present in the official game.
- Does NOT stop avatar rippers because they're stored on your PC completely unencrypted.
- Does NOT stop abuse and bullying because... that's not really something you can stop.

- Roots itself into the highest security and authorization level of your system (Kernel), only to not do a damn thing to stop hackers and instead just spies on you. I've heard it even copies files it finds on your PC to EAC servers and screenshots your desktop.

- Destroyed community driven accessibility options for individuals with a number of issues, or just general improvements for everyone, such as: closed captions for the deaf or hard of hearing; tts or other communication means for the mute; augments for vision impairments that is not complete blindness; "tunnel visioned"/isolated audio levels for conversations; and much much more.

- Showed those truly in charge of VRC, the shareholders, do not care about the game. They only want profit, and I dread the future with the crypto job announcement. Even if they've clarified "we dont SPECIFICALLY want crypto", it's obvious that's their future goal.
Posted 28 July, 2022.
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9.2 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
What's to say about doom except it's a good game?
Oh yeah, you definitely need a source port to actually enjoy it.
But once you have that, oh it's fun! Especially brutal doom v21.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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135.8 hrs on record (129.2 hrs at review time)
I’d say try it. Don’t get invested in it though, even if you like it, because FreeJam WILL inevitably change some massive portion of the game, for better or worse, which will alienate even more of the already near-death community.

If you’d like to know why I’d say only try it and don’t get invested, read the rest of the review.

Let me start out by saying I enjoyed Robocraft. It once was and likely still is somewhat of a great and unique game. However, it has been tainted and destroyed by its disconnected developer’s past actions. Also, I will say time has blurred some of my memory of the events, but I do recall what’s important.

Over the years there have been many updates adding new features, only for those new features to be buried by nerfs or removed after a few, sometimes major, updates despite community feedback or outrage.

For example, megabots. Long ago you could add a special block to your bot which would massively boost your building capacity but force you into higher tier games as the megabot of your team. They were removed from the game after some time, despite community outrage, and then brought back as a punishment. Last I played, once you added enough blocks to your bot, without any special items or even an alert, it would be classified as a megabot until you removed parts to get below the threshold. Now that might sound annoying, though not bad, megabots could only be used in custom games.

Another example: The Nano Disruptors Aka Repair beams, Mediguns, whatever you’d like to call them. When they were added, there were no other ways to repair your bot and in most gamemodes, you had one life. They were able to heal allies and damage enemies with an autotargeting beam if your crosshair was generally close to them, albeit they had quite short ranges but were effective. Furthermore, you could only have 1 type of weapon on your bot at this time. Then, FreeJam decided to add auto healing after 10 seconds without getting hit which could fix your vehicle in less than 20 seconds. They also decided to nerf Nano Disruptors by vastly decreasing their healing rates in addition to making it so they could only fire healing “+” symbols at allies and could do literally nothing to directly harm an enemy.

FreeJam in the past has attempted to cash in on a few popular trends.

They had lootboxes in their game for quite a while. However, the game is f2p so they need some sources of money and, it actually was a less avaricious implementation of lootboxes. Because no matter what you got, you got something you could genuinely use no matter what. Even if it was a few basic 1x1 cubes, you don’t have an infinite supply of them, and you could always sell or scrap ‘em to get something else.

FreeJam also made a battle royale version of robocraft that they pulled from the steam store. It was called RoboCraft Royale and while originally free to play was going to be charged for! Also, instead of building your bot, you’d move around in premade ones that you could swap between. Overall it was a paid for cash grab Royale variant of their game that actively stripped players of the creative freedom the original game was known for!

Though FreeJam has tried to make amends, and while some things have changed for the better, the game is still tainted by its past. Furthermore, FreeJam can't "fix" the game in the way most members of the community, former or current, want, to change RoboCraft back to how it used to be years ago. FreeJam simply can't, they've already committed to the massive and fundamental changes to how the game plays, turning it back would cause so many issues in addition to waves of backlash from those who got used to or started with the current systems in place.

To end this review, I’ll just say I wish I could’ve seen FreeJam realize RoboCraft’s full potential instead of bastardizing and thus destroying it. But the reality is, I wish RoboCraft can finally get the, in its case, sweet relief of death, because if FreeJam continues down its current path, there is no way RoboCraft is going recover, if at all, for a long, long time.
Posted 23 December, 2018. Last edited 27 September, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
40.8 hrs on record (21.7 hrs at review time)
Containment Breach but multiplayer.
Chaotically fun at times.
Another SCP game.
You get to play as SCPs!
The memes spawned from it.

Mic-Spammers/Earrapers (But a lot of games have these)
Quite boring at times, especially when slowly walking around as SCP-49 or SCP-96 (The latter when not in rage mode).
Teamkilling is a tad annoying, grenades in elevators especially (Not an issue on non Friendly-Fire servers).
You're gonna die A LOT, but you can respawn, eventually.
If you're one of those people, this game is not that immersive, you occasionally get friendly SCPs and stuff like that.
Posted 16 December, 2018. Last edited 16 December, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
Short and sweet, with a brillaintly done rework of the gravity gun.

New gravity gun mechanics.
A stealth mechanic involving darkness.

It's short, but sweet.
Posted 14 September, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
3.9 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
One nice game so far.

Small download
Amazing graphics
Good settings
Fun game
Wacky physics

Kinda annoying to get used to but fun
Can give motion sickness
1 dev so updates may not constantly be rolling out
Posted 28 July, 2016. Last edited 29 July, 2016.
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1.6 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
One of the best mods I've seen for the Half-Life series.
Some of the pros and cons are from my experience and may not be the same for you.

Amazing detailing job.
It feels like something from Valve.
Good little bit of story though not much.
Impressive level design.

A few bugs.
You can get lost to what your supposed to do and where your supposed to go.
Can be quite challenging at some times.
Posted 4 June, 2016.
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21.0 hrs on record (10.1 hrs at review time)
Posted 28 March, 2015.
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51.2 hrs on record (17.9 hrs at review time)
HECK YA MR.FREEMAN THIS IS AWESOME its a great sequel to half life and well its got more GUNS. ***** 5 STARS
Posted 19 September, 2014.
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37.0 hrs on record (10.8 hrs at review time)
Its a good game i just wish the X-ray cam was not there
Posted 5 June, 2014.
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