LNX BDSKZ 2024年12月18日 22時54分 
OK, long time absence from me over here, gonna be unprivating again sometime soon.
Been absent from here for 90% of the year.TLDR, was focusing on my personal life, and detoxing from the web which I feel is too toxic nowadays.
Had the best year of my life in part due to those calls.

Done a bit of molasses slow overhaul on my profile, and finally feel ready to have it be public again, though I shall keep comments off just due to not wanting to breed chance for what I mentioned of web toxicity.
Hope everyone is doing well, if anyone ever wants to talk, reminder, just comment somewhere to add, and message if you wanna talk.
Peace everyone! :SMT5V_JackFrost: :SF6_Delta_Cat::TEVI_excite:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年7月14日 2時12分 
Since it's just me here,
May ocasionally just do some random stuff,
Note anything I find worth comment, alongside some emotes. :karrynComfy:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年7月14日 2時11分 
Profile comments will remain me only,
If anyone ever wants to message, comment under something. :d5_prinny:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年7月8日 21時29分 
Peace ya'll :Emil: :rinflipped:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年7月8日 21時29分 
Anyway yeah, just day to day, not very active or involved online anymore, hope everyone is having 2024 treat them well, despite some of the wild situation that happen at times. :rickweeks:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年7月8日 21時27分 
Hope everyone is doing well, I'm going good, just not an active presence anymore. :cat3:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年4月18日 20時45分 
Well, sorted out some of those profile glitches finally, and made some decent progress with certian revamps,
Don't expect the rest to be finished anytime soon though, I'm not rushing, and usually would rather dedicate most of my focus elsewhere.

Hope everyone is going well, and remember, I am open to talking to people as long as you respect my requests about invites and etc. :FrogSmirk:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年4月18日 1時56分 
Also, Steam is continuing to be janky, my settings are currently not saving,
And so many SFW wallpapers are locked as detected as explicit despite being random SFW things like Spamton music videos or the ENA Dog rotating, only a sole Pizza Tower one is left unscathed.

Valve, please fix the broken aspects of your platform already... :tbat:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年4月18日 0時42分 
Progress on the restructuring is still underway, hope everyone is doing well.
LNX BDSKZ 2024年3月29日 0時53分 
Account may end up going private or such for some time when I eventually restructure,
Hope everyone understands. Pretty busy lately as well.:Emil:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年3月22日 13時50分 
I can tell you're a pretty odd troll though just looking at your Profile though, so if you'd excuse me, would rather not talk.
LNX BDSKZ 2024年3月22日 13時48分 
Kinda an odd question to ask someone online left field you've never spoken to,
I'm keeping myself busy IRL though.
El Jefe Osama 2024年3月22日 1時38分 
Do you have a job?
LNX BDSKZ 2024年3月18日 0時36分 
Comments are back to public if anyone cares, hope everyone is doing well! :bbtagragna:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年2月22日 1時46分 
If anyone needs me, just message via commenting on a random wokshop or art upload from me or etc. I'm still open to meeting new people, though don't accept random requests, and am aimjng to have stuff like random forum or comment posts be more scarce, internet can be a bit too terminally online nowdays, companies and their algorithm don't help with that, so I'm aiming to more conciously avoid those things.

Just thinking of a more proactive focus on sorting things and not being too overly active online in those ways anymore. :lev:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年2月22日 1時46分 
Anyway, if anyone is just curious on how I'm going, because I know a handful of people kinda follow and such,

Just working through a bunch of stuff, and aiming to focus on improving life and such for myself.
My comments on this profile are friends only again, as one of the things I just wanna work on, is just avoiding any uneeded stress and such including online.
Plenty of nice people here, but knowing how Steam community can be at times, best to play it somewhat safe I feel.
LNX BDSKZ 2024年2月22日 0時41分 
Just accidentally unlocked some Dead Cells achievements from using a alt save slot and save game file to test out some shenanigans invloving a outdated mod and remived blueprints...
Whoops... i intended to unlock those myself normally.... :alphys: :burofailed:
LNX BDSKZ 2024年1月7日 17時34分 
Anyway, it's 2024 now, hope everyone is having a good start to the year, mine is certainly starting off promising, and I hope others can have a good promising year too, I plan to do various things myself, not so much regarding posting here or such, but in general.
Hope everything is going well, and I wish you all a good year! :p4g_smiling:
LNX BDSKZ 2023年12月31日 2時08分 
Well, as I write, this, it is the final our of 2023 where I live, to say I have had a complex year would be an understatement,
I wish everyone out there a good 2024, and that you can all find your ways to find your path in life that leads to a good outcome,
Best wishes everyone, a new year, a new chapter, a new set of possibilities, I wish you all well, and hope we can all find the best outcomes we can reasonably expect from this world!
LNX BDSKZ 2023年12月29日 19時59分 
Thanks, appreciated,
I'm doing my best to take care of myself and set stuff up to have things go better in the future.
Always nice to recieve some kind words, I make sure to wish people I see struggling well too.

Lets all hope for a good 2024 everyone, 2023 was a great year in many ways. :BlueHappy:
Αη Ιnτellecτual Tsiραr 2023年12月29日 19時15分 
I Hope things get better and I hope you have a happy new year too.
LNX BDSKZ 2023年12月28日 23時14分 
Just letting people be aware, life is going pretty rough at the moment, I appreciate all the people I know or interact with kindness, however, I will just say, depending on how things go I may end up privating my profile potentially for a while to just help things be calm.

Most people here are very nice cool people from what I see, met some cool people at times, however, knowing how the internet often is, I may just take precaution that no extra stress ends up being added through here, as Steam's userbase is known to have some real bad eggs at time.
No issues have happened for me online for a bit, but yknow, just being careful and all.

I hope everyone here has had a nice year and that the holidays have gone well for you, I'm probably won't be very active online much for a while, thought I should just say this in case I go private temporarily or such,
Best wishes to everyone here, hope you are all doing well enough. :BlueSad:
📼 Arrianard 💽 2023年12月19日 10時06分 
Added because i love your profile and wallpaper :HealthSD:
LNX BDSKZ 2023年12月11日 19時28分 
Also, just as a random self message post here,
Damn UT Yellow is PHENOMENAL! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ masterpiece 8 Years in the making! :undyne:
TEVI is another phenomenal gem! :rbrb1:

Also, if anyone is curious why I don't post or talk much here anymore, just kinda prioritising my own life and etc in various ways, got a lot going on and also want to have time for myself, also I primarily message or socialise elsewhere nowdays, often Discord as I mentioned to someone else not long ago. :ChrisSmirk:
LNX BDSKZ 2023年12月11日 19時21分 
Howdy! How are you? What's got your interest here? :flowey:

Hey, I do like doing as I say about accepting requests that way when people comment, but just airing by the side of caution as your profile seems incredibly barren and I'm pretty certain I've seen accounts with the same comment and groups be used for some very much "FREE VBUCKS NO VIRUS" style TF2 messages, keeping my guard up, hope it doesn't offend if you are a real person asking a request, message in a less Ctrl-C/V way if so. :alphys:
Ocean70 2023年12月5日 6時52分 
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LNX BDSKZ 2023年11月29日 5時07分 
Actually, Discord is far more ideal for any talking or sending files this way than Steam is.
I'm suggesting to the other person here to message me on Discord for their questions for help, LOL.
LNX BDSKZ 2023年11月29日 5時07分 
2 people here, so I'll include an @ for each of you.

Yes, I have the OG video, I don't have a fully definitive collection of the creator's edits, but I do have most of them I think.
I need to refind certian in my storage, but can add you and send the ones I already have sorted meanwhile.

I actually already tried messaging you in your Steam DMs to help, I guess you may have missed such, you seem unfamiliar to the social mefia aspects of Steam.
Just click the MESSAGE button next to my profile to see it, Steam doesn't make it very optimal to use but I gave a reply there and a tip on how we can comminucate the issue properly and for me to assist you.
stevensosa552 2023年11月28日 12時47分 
No problem. When ever you get the chance no rush. I actually contacted steam support with my issue. Let's see if that becomes fruitful.
LNX BDSKZ 2023年11月27日 15時03分 
Oh, sure, I'm glad to help people with some issues at times if they're nice.
Just be paitent and give me time to be free and I'll try to help.

It was a VERY lonf tedious messy project fixing it, took a whole day, Valve really needs to add in the kinda stuff Windows does to not let you delete System32 because it gives no warning to that.
stevensosa552 2023年11月27日 8時12分 
Hey in your profile it said to ask you a question to type a comment instead of sending you a friend request. I didnt realize I could until I scrolled all the way down lol Anyways you think you can help me boot my steam deck up after I messed with the .local file? I saw on a thread that you were able to fix it without a factory reset.
泣く水曜日 2023年11月12日 0時01分 
add me plzzzzzzzzzzzz:Pitter9:
LNX BDSKZ 2023年11月10日 17時36分 
Sure thing, glad you enjoy, unfortunate I haven't been able to do more in a long time due to an actic hectic life of various styles of both good and bad shakeups, but as I said do want to do more.

I tried putting out a Lightweight version of my most technically demanding wallpaper rexently but unfortunately the editor isn't working properly for such.

Will try again later and either get that working or some easier but still polished video ports or etc hopefully.
WOMP WOMP 2023年11月10日 15時22分 
love you wallpapers i can watch them daily great job man. would love to be friends!
LNX BDSKZ 2023年11月4日 20時39分 
Sure thing, I have wanted to start making wallpapers again, even have a long list of Videos and etc I have loaded in my offline I can make into them, but life has been incredibly hectic and difficult for me for around a month so I haven't had much opportunity.

Would like to return to uploading some day when I feel the time is right, but I'd rather just manage what's on my plate and unwind instead of doing side projects such as Wallpapers in the meantime. :UnderParty:
o w o 2023年10月17日 21時33分 
You have more wallpapers than I could ask.
LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月27日 9時33分 
Yeah, sure, I appreciate it when people actually ask, I'll add you, just be aware it's VERY late now and I may have to sleep soon.
C y a n 2023年9月27日 9時29分 
Can i add you as a friend/message on here or discord? I need to ask you something rather important regarding videos
LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月26日 21時19分 
Thanks, I appreciate that, I can be very empathetic in a number of areas, even with some crudeness or edge in places I like to think of myself as someone who can think about others.
And yeah, I'm going very well lately.
Have a nice day! :emilieDare:
KaiHalid 2023年9月26日 6時08分 



LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月26日 3時39分 
Oh, wait, I now realise I misread the translation of your post somewhat, I guess you were copy pasting a copypasta then.
Anyway yeah, your sense of humour in this way is very hard to notice to many people not familiar with you, so I thought I'd clear that up.

I wonder if the original version of that comment was a genuine thing that happened between two friends, if so I hope they managed to remain friends platonically, while I've never been very involved in romance first hand (Just gently turned down a small handful of people I didn't feel for) I know it can be tricky when feelings aren't shared between a pair, and romance can complicate friendships.

Ignore me wording out, but that wording and writing seems like it originates from a genuine real situation in wording, not as much irony, so I can't help but wonder like I always do about hypothetical situations. :P
LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月26日 3時31分 
Hmm? What one do you mean in particular? About the message board.
I very quickly realised you were joking, but felt I should note such due to the fact this is my publically available primary profile that a number of other people look at, and they'd likely be confused and think there was something between us, your joking humour isn't very apparent to those out of the loop, so I thought I'd just clear things up before people are mistaken.

Anyway yeah, feel free to DM me some time if you want to talk, though be aware I'm often busy or such nowadays, have a nice day! :fhappy:
KaiHalid 2023年9月26日 3時11分 
LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月26日 2時07分 
Anyway, for anyone following me or on my friends list, I haven't been very active here or such lately, due to a combination of being very busy and having particularly atrocious sleep, so don't expect me to plan on posting much frequently as I have larger priorities and would like to have time to chill for myself and unwind how I feel.
I do have more things planned for when I do get around to more stuff, but it is not high on my priorities now and I will need both a decent opening and to be in the mood. :TCWINK:
LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月26日 2時03分 
Huh? TF are you talking about dude? I never asked you on a date or anything nor have any feelings of the kind for you nor anyone else I really know online, is this one of your awkward attempts at humour and trolling or such again? TBH I don't think it translates well into ENGLISH TBH. :spycon:
Anyway, don't mind my friend there, he's made a handful of similar attempts at trolling and gags before, I'm very blatantly bisexual but have no interest in looking for a relationship, not with someone I know or looking for options. :UnderParty:

Anyway, we haven't talked in a while dude, feel free to message me if you want to catch up, but NGL this attempt at humour or pranking isn't that potent. :tobdog:
KaiHalid 2023年9月25日 23時35分 
I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I can't promise you about what you asked last time. It's the first time that I've been asked to date by a man, but I'm not gay, which will bother me. Besides, you are still asking me this question on the microphone in the game, which makes me have to leave a message here to clarify. Please stop looking for me and find someone else. I won't discriminate against you. Please don't be hard.
LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月14日 17時13分 
Well, I guess it's fitting a Company named UNITY managed to unite the entire games industry and community into unanimously despising them. :drybones:
LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月14日 17時07分 
God, the whole Unity Runtime Fee situation is the absolute most braindead thing I have ever seen in my life, it would bankrupt nearly every Indie dev around and cause massive damage to most AAA companies, it would be the single biggest disaster ever seen and destroy the gaming industry, it would be bigger than the burning of the Library Of Alexandria in terms of cultural destruction.

Unity is absolutely gonna get class action lawsuited till there isn't a single shred of them left, biggest neon target any software company has ever had on their back, this one announcement either dooms Unity as a company/engine or the whole gaming industry, AAA companies worth many Billions are gonna eviscerate them and well deserved.

It really takes the Ex CEO of EA during their winning streak of earning awards for being the most hated company around in order to make the absolute worst business move ever made to this extent.... :derp: :bbtagjin: :bbtagyu: :gaper:
BrzeskoV 2023年9月9日 9時24分 
very cute and hardworking profile
LNX BDSKZ 2023年9月3日 19時00分 
Hey guys, I've since realised most of the edits I've made have been very inefficient in terms of filesize due to not knowing how to properly render them and such since I was pretty inexperienced with that stuff, if people want I can go back and edit some of my older video Wallpapers in order to optimize the fileszie better by re-rendering them. Let me know if you want any of them done that to. :spycon: