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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 64.9 hrs on record (37.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Mar, 2018 @ 1:48pm

Being someone who originally preordered War Z way back in 2012 and actually really enjoyed it, I have very mixed opinions with New Z..

The biggest elephant in the room for War Z was HACKERS. Absolutely everywhere. New Z seems to have a very trusting Anti Cheat implementation, when even being a f2p game, I see remarkably less than in it's original counterpart.

New Z has taken the "fun" from War Z, fixed some dumb things, added other things some may hate or some may love, I personally find great fun in the game and periodically stop in to do some runs.

Don't judge this game based on War Z because it truly is something very different and honestly remarkable for what it is, I mean come on... It's a full f2p game in which there are almost little to no advantages for paying.

All in all, have had good and bad times with this series but after seeing the original War Z, going to Infestation SS and Aftermath, this is the best one. Only lacking a friendly player base which is not really the developers fault.

It's worth a try, what's absolute garbage to one, may be someone else's new found treasure.
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kaz 29 Mar, 2018 @ 6:34am 
Hello Sir.

Once again, Thank you for your positive review. We are really glad that you enjoy our game; thank you for that! Are you excited for this brand new MASSIVE Open World/Survival to discover with you and your friends?

You can find more informations right here:

If you have any question, feel free to ask it here or to add me on Steam.

We wish you a great day to you and your mates!

Best regards,
// The New Z - Staff Team
kaz 27 Mar, 2018 @ 12:59am 
Hey there!

Thank you for your interest and your feedback. Much appreciated! We wish you a great day.

Best regards,
// The New Z - Staff Team