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Recent reviews by bluephoenixfire

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125.4 hrs on record (124.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY- Devs dont give a ♥♥♥♥ about ur problems in the game!

I love this game.. or should say LOVED.. this game,, until the devs did something to the text size betweent he self service machines update and the fruit and veg update.. If you have sight issues DO NOT get this game until they put in accessibiltiy to change the UI text size in the settings.. it makes the game completely UNPLAYABLE.

I loved this game.. and now its a waste of money and the dev team just sit there in discord and look down and disreguard teh HUNDREDS of people complaining saying "Its your problem"... absolutely sad.. Then if you put them on the spot for not trying they remove u from their groups. I have noticed quite a few reviews which have stated that the dev put it back ont he person blaming the person..

If you want to use a magnifying glass to see text on the ingame computer, then go ahead.. the game itself is great as long as u dont care how much ur spending on what until it is delivered.
Posted 27 February. Last edited 27 February.
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0.7 hrs on record
Im impressed. It kept my attention the whole time and i had a blast flinging chickens and rubbish bags. I will admit i lost it when a tractor arrived in the parking lot and "slipped" on a rubbish bag i threw into the parking lot by accident. This flung the rubbish bag out or the scene and made the tractor flip over.

I am excited to see the end product of this game and how it progresses. 100%
Posted 26 February.
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286.4 hrs on record (150.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its not a bad game at all. I enjoyed playing it, it does need more expansion and updates but the dev team are really active so i know that wont take too long. I woudl totally suggest it. You will get to a point where u might be a little bored, but then the devs bring out something new and it revitalises it again. I sometimes just sit there opening cards while i do work on my computer to break up the monotonous work load of life lol. My aim is to get every single card right now.
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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388.4 hrs on record (135.8 hrs at review time)
This is a great sim game for mining and farming. I like how you have to start with panning for resources and can work your way up to automation with conveyor belts and drills and harvesters etc. They have regular quest givers with no end in sight for the random quests that are asked for at a regular basis. So there is always something to do. The new base game patch done at the release of the new DLC has fixed some issue with lag which has been a bonus... HOWEVER they have changed the functionality of the vehicles making them skid and slide all over the place making them barely drive able. They have updated some graphical aspects as well where some have been really well done, and others not so much... e.g. Signposts now no longer have wording on them.. just a picture.. so if you want to find a specific town u have to carry a map with you to keep track of where you are going otherwise the sign pictures just show a town this way and a dig site that way.... Also you have to carry your coins and map with you everywhere. there is no inventory space at all. which is quite irritating. there are no signs of that being implemented in the future unfortunately - at least implement a map on key stroke feature....

As much as i really HATE the new patch features, it is not enough to not recommend people get the game. It is still enjoyable as long as you avoid using the vehicles and memorise the map and get used to only carrying one thing at a time, to say the least lol. I will update this review when i get the new DLC and give it a run through the paces.
Posted 7 April, 2024.
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2.0 hrs on record
Look its a cool game not going to lie.. but its Buggy as hell. Typing errors, overlay errors, camera issues. Hopefully they look into these things and fix them as although it doesnt make the game completely unplayable.. just a real pain in the ass..
I cant say i recommend OR dont recommend the game at this point.
Posted 5 October, 2023.
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28 people found this review helpful
37.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review

he has not only done the same thing to his other games but blocks and bans anyone who says otherwise. he is only after the money DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. there are plenty of better games out there with much better content! the full game isnt much more than the demo!

I love the scenery, i love the idea of the robot creatures, and being able to explore through ruins... but what is it all for? there is no story (and never will be). there is no reasoning for any of it.
yes you can build - with a very limited toolset but its still possible. you can craft some things. sure. u can scan robots so you can make it yourself and arm them with a couple of guns. they dont do anything but still. There are different biomes to allow you to upgrade your robots to stronger versions with some materials. There is alot of possibility.


the dev says its content complete.. that there is 50hrs of content. got to 30hrs and already in the last biome. there is no point to scanning the robots because they dont do anything worth while other than to ride. U cant control their shooting when u do put guns on them, they dont harvest anything and there are alot of still frustrating bugs around the robots.
This game is PLAYABLE.. but not enjoyable IMO. All you do is build, scan dinos for recipes and patterns and for armour you cant even use yet (not implemented yet. considering that its "there" i assume it will be?)
The dev states that there will be no more major updates to the game, but yet there is nothing to the armour..

There is no story line - dont expect one
There is no end game - Claims there is bosses but still havent found them after opening up the whole map
There is nothing new being added apparently.
When suggestions are made in the community they are shot down because its not his view of the game. If you just wanted to make a game for yourself then dont publish it. or at least dont charge a stupid amount for such a lacking game. Listed to your community! There is a way to create a game and make a good portion of ur community happy (u will never satisfy everyone - but ur not even satisfying ANYONE that makes suggestions.). Sad part is alot of the suggestions are the same thing and yet it still gets brushed off.. things as simple as map markers (what is implemented is hardly "map markers". u dont even know where ur team mates are), Ark had more than this did at its release... THIS game has more potential with a dev that has the ability but no care for the game it seems...

AT LEAST ALLOW FOR WORKSHOP CONTENT BY OTHER PEOPLE!!! then all their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of what they want they can make in the workshop for your game and u never have to listen to it again.. its such a shame...

It has SO much potential.. but without a dev that cares.. it wont make squat on what it possibly could..

I see this as a dead game and just a money grab for the dev to "fund" the 2 other games he is working on.
Expretmely disappointed.
Posted 13 March, 2023. Last edited 31 July, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 13 Mar, 2023 @ 6:35am (view response)
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84.3 hrs on record (52.1 hrs at review time)
I really enjoy the ability to not only do jobs renovting other peoples places to their liking, but buying, renovating and selling your own properties too. The DLCs that are out make the game so much more fuller and enjoyable. :) cannot wait for House Flipper 2 :)
Posted 10 March, 2023.
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18.0 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
My sister and i finished the game within 3 days, and i will have to say it was the most amazing game i have played. I really wish there was a single play option somehow or something. The story line was amazing, I love how so much is interactive in the game that has no reason to be that but its still fun to play around with. especially in the music level (wont spoil more than this). It did seem that towards the end the chapters were getting shorter. maybe due to the dev running out of ideas or steam? im not sure. I would still give this a 5/5 regardless. :)

I wanted to burn the book so many times.. its the most frustrating thing in the game. The little girl we found that we were laughing about for certain reasons.

I would TOTALLY suggest people try this game out :) grab a friend and drag them along! you dont both need the game to play it. only one does - the person hosting the game. and u both have even control the whole time. My sister can pause the game when she needs to or vice versa. :) Loved it!! cant want to see more :)

i love the story line of the whole game. My sister and i played it as well as a friend and I. I wish there was a way to solo play the game as well so i could play it more often but i can totally understand how that couldnt happen due to timing needed for alot of the sections.
Alot of parkour and puzzles but still very entertaining and somewhat difficult without being overly difficult.
Posted 4 February, 2023. Last edited 5 March, 2023.
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0.9 hrs on record
not overly fond of it. especially when the psycadellics dont wear off when u accidentally stab urself with a needle...it gives me a headache.. no idea what im supposed to do and i would prob never use this unless it was with a VR... controls are crap as. would be great if i could control what i was doing or there was some idea of what you are supposed to do other than "heart transplant".. im not a doctor.. idk what im doing. and idk how im supposed to get the heart out once i break the ribs....
Posted 20 April, 2022.
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14.0 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its a different kind of gameplay i dont mind. somewhat on the slow side but thats ok. the AI are really cool how they actually do things and own shops and buy and sell etc and the adding of families and nobilities in the way they have has given it more interest on watching what happens :) cant wait until they add workshop capabilities :)
Posted 25 August, 2021.
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