rear tire
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[Nickname] : PawsC (UPlay: DontTryHard_plz)
[Languages] : Russian, English
[Hobbies] : programming, gaming(r6s, civ5, starcraft 2), music
[Contacts] : Twitter . Discord: pawsc
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Created by - rear tire
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There's a step-by-step guide on how to setup Namalsk LAN server to play with your friends!
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last played on 27 Mar
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last played on 24 Mar
46 hrs on record
last played on 24 Mar
я беременна. От тебя! Уже 6-й месяц. Аборт делать поздно. Я решила рожать. Я к тебе завтра приеду, жилплощадь посмотрю, надо ж решать вопрос, где мы с малышом жить будем. Ну а что ты думал? Покувыркался и забыл? Раньше надо было соображать, теперь уже поздно! Ну ладно, адрес твой у меня есть, завтра и поговорим! Пока, любимый!
_Kenny_Mccormik_ 9 Feb @ 12:31pm 
vladikgir 21 Jan @ 7:45pm 
Hey you MAGA ♥♥♥♥!!! So we’re in day 2 of Trump world and contrary to his promises, food prices are still high, the war in Ukraine is still raging and the illegals are still eating the dogs! What’s the hold up? He GUARANTEED he’d have all that ♥♥♥♥ sorted ON DAY 1 !!
Vincent 27 Dec, 2024 @ 12:19am 
vladikgir 26 Sep, 2024 @ 5:39pm 
There's a variety of vore, so I can't speak for everyone, but what I can talk about is the stuff that's probably safest for newcomers.

The vore I'm into is soft as soft can be. It's consensual, people are swallowed whole, are alive, comfortable, and safe in the belly, and later they're magically out somehow and I'd prefer to not bother with the details of exactly how that happened.

I like the closeness of it. The idea of trusting someone enough to eat you and know you'd be safe, or of them trusting you enough for it gives me warm fuzzies. Plus the 'being in the belly' part just strikes me as a lot like a big weird hug. And I like hugs too! ^w^
_Kenny_Mccormik_ 12 Sep, 2024 @ 11:46am 
Штирлиц надел шляпу набекрень.Набекрень ушла домой без шляпы:furry_shy: