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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 202.0 hrs on record (143.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Feb, 2024 @ 12:41pm

Easily one of my favorite games. I played it for like 70 hours without getting any good at it, but there's so much depth to the world, that it was still one of my favorite, even without seeing half of what it has to offer. Another 70 hours and I finally feel I'm decent at it, but still haven't beaten the game yet.

I've never had a game that rewards exploration quite like Noita. Don't expect to beat it, but if you like to explore a world and enjoy finding secrets at all, I highly advise giving it a try.

I recommend going in fairly blind if you can. There's a ton of secrets you'll never figure out on your own, so eventually once you feel you've found all of what you can by yourself, you'll need to look up some things, but I recommend still looking up as little bits as you need to allow yourself to still experience as much discovery as you can yourself.
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