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uhabyeal 1 Mar @ 1:23pm 
What? Schizo rant + literally tried flexing being a laborer↓ ↓
Toxic to the max so sad bro you’re gonna die at the age of 35 due to a heart attack if you keep this stressing up over Video Games ↓ ↓ ↓
Got 2000 hours on Rust explains the toxicity bro wants to act like he has a life a job but just doesn’t so sad stop using mommy and daddy’s money get a job touch grass
Jorge 27 Feb @ 2:23am 
thanks for elo
Max Verstappen 25 Feb @ 2:19pm 
Hey, do you wanna play sometime tomorrow i sent you a friend request. also nice knife skin #SUPERDOPE!
Formula 24 Nov, 2024 @ 1:28am 
Homie hides hours, cries in chat, and only offlines in Rust. Pathetic player needs to find a new hobby