Grifon Eddie
Eduardo S. Schweitzer   Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
I have too many games. :mindblown::cozycastondeath:
Currently Offline
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The humble way of the rabbit
MacRavenBlood 24 Dec, 2013 @ 6:51pm 
Merry Christmas!
Grifon Eddie 19 Aug, 2012 @ 11:54pm 
Just as much as I can. And well, actually it's around 140 games, can't resist those diabolically tasty sales. Despite my bank account hating me for it.
COOKIES!!! 19 Aug, 2012 @ 3:17pm 
How is it that you are enjoying your day in Brazil?
227 games?????????? Every now and then????? I CALL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!! LOL