10 people found this review helpful
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4.5 hrs last two weeks / 485.9 hrs on record (121.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Dec, 2024 @ 12:26am

Fun game with some questionable decisions from developers here and there. Almost everyone who plays this game is miserable has made it their goal to make it as miserable of an experience as possible for everyone else. If you aren't running anti-slug + anti-tunnel every game as survivor you're actively shooting yourself in the foot, and it's still awful to play when you are running it.

Killer is the only way I can seem to consistently have fun, and it's because I have more control over the game and will be nice/mess around with the survivor(s) if the situation leads to it.

People also get upset at you if you engage in the game's base mechanics. I genuinely would rather go back to playing League of Legends at times.

Overall, decent-to-fun experience, but the people who play it make it one of the worse multiplayer experiences you could choose to play. Also a good amount of killers just outright take away core gameplay mechanics from survivors. Lol
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<3 3 Jan @ 10:22am 
paragraph 3 has the same vibe as "i'm so hungry, i could eat at arby's!"
Alula 20 Dec, 2024 @ 12:41pm 
I actively avoid tunneling and slugging unless the survivors are actively running/standing in front of me without trying, or if it's a bully squad.

Even if slugging is a part of the game and I can't get rid of it (which is pretty obvious), it doesn't change the fact that it can be unfun to be left on the ground, potentially for a minute or more, as the killer chases someone across the map. You're quite literally unable to play the game.

I'm not sure why you decided to comment on my review, let alone with one of the dumbest takes I've ever seen.
M8 18 Dec, 2024 @ 10:30am 
bhvr themselves have said that slugging is part of the game also you get mad at killers for doing the same thing you do from the sounds of it so stop whining and just accept that some parts of the game you cant get rid of unless you're a bhvr employee