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3 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
Doesn't start, xbox bloatware won't allow me to play the game

Fortunately, "free" versions of this game don't have any such problems and offer a much smoother experience ;)
Don't pay money for a worse experience.
Posted 31 December, 2022.
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229.6 hrs on record (82.8 hrs at review time)
It's Doom 2016 but now you have ADHD and you have to press all the buttons all the time and you can actually find all the secrets without spending hours looking for them (it's now more like AN hour or so for the experienced linear shooter gamer).

You are (doom:) eternally out of ammo, every 6 seconds even with doomguy maxed out you have to find a fodder zombie to saw and the chainsaw animation is painfully slow and barely affected by runes. It's so, so much worse than in Doom 2016. If you attempt the higher difficulties you will die A LOT while trying to find a weaker demon to chainsaw while being chased by a demon army you cannot kill because by itself, your melee doesn't actually do any damage. Or well, you do still have ammo but the super shotgun and ballista are the only ones capable of killing things at the pace required. Deaths where the game, for some reason, doesn't see fit to give you the ammo you need for the only acceptable efficacy weapons and instead bombards you with "out of ammo" while being chased by lethal bullet sponges. These deaths feel cheap and unfair, because they are.

Moment to moment gameplay is less satisfying, glory kill sounds usually lack intense punchy cracks, the guns feel like water pistols compared to Doom 2016, the regular shotgun's m1 is completely useless compounded by the way it sounds but can be used for quick switching between the super-shotgun I guess.
Sound design overall has absolutely NOTHING on Doom 2016, they did reuse some minor sounds here and there for the world which is cool I guess.

In looks; It's less vibrant than Doom 2016, I don't find I get the same performance as I did out of Doom 2016 on lower settings. Denuvo probably doesn't help. As for general art and direction, it's not quite as "sharp", concise and "immersive" as Doom 2016 but it's certainly not bad. Immersive being used loosely as you'll still forget everything else once you get in to combat.

Despite the sound being somewhat worse the glory kill animations themselves are magnitudes better.

Replayability is much better with skippable cutscenes (although, for some reason a bunch of cutscenes/animations are exempt from this, maybe to hide loading of certain areas?) and quite interesting rehashes of levels that change basically everything, if you do actually do find you enjoy the game. While better than Doom 2016, it's still not great, you're still going to sit through probably an hour of picking stuff up which doomguy looks at like he was a critic at an art gallery, you have to watch the exact same animations over and over and over. If you're looking for some other reason to actually complete these levels again though, apart from some achievement hunting and low-effort color-change skins, and of course the fun of shooting demons, there is no reason, no new content and the progression/milestone saving is to this day (29/9/2021) COMPLETELY broken. The developers have 0 respect for your actual progression, you can change your online level by editing a simple save file, many of the "milestones (in-game achievement system)" simply just don't update, missions don't save and don't show what challenges you've completed, etc.

I've played this magnitudes more than I did Doom 2016, it's quantity over quality (but still fairly high quality) might be a selling point, depending on what you're looking for. While I have played this at the time of this review, perhaps 6x more I ever did Doom 2016, friend of mine whom was a fan of Doom 2016, didn't even feel like finishing the main campaign.

6.7/10 with the current slew of technical issues
7.8/10 if the issues were to get fixed (won't happen)
Posted 14 September, 2021. Last edited 30 September, 2021.
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1,073.2 hrs on record (25.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
its p good
Posted 3 July, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
6.6 hrs on record
Good for the nostaliga, some good gameplay, however, keep getting stuck in the ground, the game also lacks save points almost completly. If you forget to save, have fun replaying 90% of the game. Also the PC controls are terrible, with a PS3 Controller they're kinda bad but it works.
Posted 3 January, 2018. Last edited 3 January, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
First thing I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ see when I get is a bunch of damn prebuilt ♥♥♥♥.
Says enough about this game to make me close it instantly.
Posted 13 April, 2017.
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9.7 hrs on record
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
100.4 hrs on record (33.9 hrs at review time)
For a board game it's pretty glitchy.
By that I mean sounds getting stuck every other hour, notices not going away, that kinda thing.

But the fact that you can found a religion called aids and spread it across the world and have notices say "Sofia wants aids" makes up for it tenfold.
Posted 5 July, 2016. Last edited 5 July, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
33.7 hrs on record (29.7 hrs at review time)
The gameplay is pretty fun even though it usually involves a lot of waiting. However, I bought Payday 2 GOTY Edition at 75% off and I still feel slightly ripped off.

The game is pleagued by bugs and lack of features, certain friends can't be in the same game as me, notices getting stuck on the screen, random heist disconnects, guards doing magical instantanious 180s can be quite frustrating and the developers whom does not want to listen to the community and the lack borderless window mode as well as very strangely functioning aim-sensitivity sliders just reinforces that fact.

The DLCs are nothing but cashgrabs, they spam out as many overpriced DLCs as they can and all they include are usually a heist or a few weapon. They are barely a good deal even at 75% off.
Posted 30 March, 2016. Last edited 30 March, 2016.
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9,722.3 hrs on record (6,080.7 hrs at review time)
i do believe this is the closest thing to time travel we will ever invent
Posted 17 January, 2013. Last edited 30 July, 2021.
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