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145 Hours played
When writing this review I have played almost 100 hours, and yet there is some challenges, escalation contracts and other things that I haven't fully completed. And then I have contracts mode, which I have only played a little bit of. What im trying to say is that Hitman is a game that will give you a lot of value for your money. It's entirely up to you what you want to do. Every map is basically a giant sandbox filled with funny, sometimes unexpected moments and hillarous assasinations.

Every weapon have so much meat to them, like how satisfying it is with the weapons you can throw, like a knife or a wrench. Or get close and personal with fiber wire, fire axe, a katana or a baseball bat. It's really fun to use the silent pistols as well and some of the weapons you unlock later, such as explosives, sniper rifles and assault rifles. You can assasinate targets in so many creative ways, such as locking them in a sauna, drowning them in the toilet, poison their food or by tossing them of a balcony. The possiblities are close to endless.

Every map have between 20-40 different assasination challenges, and for every time you complete the level you earn different things, like new starting locations, weapon or gadget unlocks, which will help you progress the map, learn more about it and have even more fun. It's fun to try different locations around the map and get different disguises to listen to the dialogue, try some opportunities out. If you don't want that guide you can completely ignore that and figure everything out for yourself. It's a game for everyone, that hardcore players and for new casual players. I really like just how inviting this game is to all players. You can kill everyone on every map, or you can play silent assasin all the way. Hitman encourages players to play every level over and over by giving you all these choices, different entries and exits, loads of gadgets, outfits, challenges, unlocks. Sometimes the kills generate these really satisfying cutscenes when you pull something nice of, like when you electrocute a target, set them on fire or shot them through the head with a long-range rifle.

Another nice thing is that you can use your unlock and transfer them over to another map. You can smuggle items into the maps at certain locations and then go pick it up. All maps in this game is great and offers lots of replayability. One thing I will criticize though is that every NPC speaks american or brittish, even on the maps in Paris, Bangkok, Italy and Morrocco. I'm not to bothered by it personally, but I think they should have invested some more money into voice-actors. The voice-acting in the game is of good quality though, but the accent might break you immersion, like when you are in Thailand and everyone speaks fluent english, with american and british accents. I just laugh at it though and though it was silly, nothing more.

Another complain I've seen from a lot of people is the always online feature, that you have to connect to their servers to play. I agree that it's a bad idea from the developers, but since the first or second patch I haven't had any problems with it. It never crashed, got me into offline mode as some people have said. I don't think that happens much now, so if you have a stable internet that shouldn't be a problem. You need internet for steam anyway, at least for some features, so im guessing most people have access to that anyway. Hitman have a great save and auto-save system, so even if that happens it's not like you have to replay everything.
EDIT: they have changed it now with a patch, so it's not required. Everything you unlock online can be accessed offline. So if you hated this previously, this should no longer put you off playing.

Complains have also come up about the business model, about the developers releasing the game in episodes, every month. I can tell you it worked well though, because every map had so many things to do that you could play that map until the next came out. It was actually pretty nice, since I could take my time on every map, and actually learn more about it in the process. The game wouldn't have launched until way later if we didn't get this episodic format, so I say its a win. It's like Telltale games, even though hitman released their episodes even quicker. If you do mind the format then just wait, currently the game is complete and you can pick it up and play all maps in the order you want.

There is a tutorial if you want to learn all the controls and mecanics. It's not too difficult, I got the hang of it pretty quick. The story is alright, exciting and pretty good, but you can clearly see that it's aiming for a sequel. By that I mean that it's not fully completed story-wise but it's really a game about gameplay first.

Performance is pretty good, but could be improved I think. I'm running it over 60 FPS, but the game is actually quite demanding. I think it could use a little bit more polish when it comes to performance, cause I feel like I should be able to run hitman at better framerate or increased quality. I have a pretty high end machine so it could be worse on other computers, so do check that out before you buy. The graphics are nice, this is not just some console port, the game looks truly good. Controls are for the most part good, but I don't like that some actions are bound to the same key, like when you have X both for jump to ledge and X for slide down, G for dropping items while G is also an interact button for certain actions. Most of the time it works well though and hitman feels responsive. Plays well with keyboard and mouse besides that.

All in all, I have had so much fun with Hitman this year! Every month I've been looking forward to the next map, now the game is completed and I can safely tell others to jump in. The developers have promised more of hitman, probably a season 2 next year, which I really hope for. Without exaggerating, I can actually say that Hitman is my game of the year for 2016! It's the game I've played most this year, except for dota, and that really says something since hitman is a singleplayer game. Not many other singleplayer games have kept my interest up over such a long period of time and made me go back for another run. Out of nearly 2700 steam games this is the one I've choose to play for nearly 100 hours, which I also thinks says something about how good hitman is. Absolutely recommended game!
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𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦:iloveu: ~ https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3450508223
Kaidan Jericho 21 Mar @ 8:21am 
Daddy 🌴𝙍𝙀𝙏𝙍𝙊🌴 will be back this Autumn fam :emofdr:
As ya' can tell.. I have a new alias, a new profile, a new EVERYTHING in making :emofdr:
Nevermore 18 Mar @ 7:38pm 