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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 32.6 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Sep, 2023 @ 10:08pm

Game suffers from poor unit handling and unbalanced AI. Often, it's a struggle to try to control your units and get them to play nicely with each other, unfortunately, each unit seems to have a square where no movement can overlap, so often times they'll run around because their movement AI is trash

The difficulty of the AI is also hilariously unbalanced to your detriment. I'm playing on 'Standard' difficulty, but often times I'm having to restart the campaign because the game wants you to build in a specific way to deal with the early frequent waves of clubmen. Btw, there's a 3rd party on the side that will keep sending archers your way to snipe your villagers, shame it's a 1v3, eh?

I just spend two hours on the conquest of crete and the game expects you to fight yourway, uphill, against mind-controlling priests, and micromanaged archers who all kite individually. KITE. INDIVIDUALLY.

AI is busted because all of their archers will kite you, meaning if your unit doesn't have the movement or reach to touch an archer, they'll kill you without a scratch to them

I wanna play through the campaign because I like RTS campaigns, but this one... just ain't it.

I wish more companies learn from the unit controls of Starcraft 2, controlling units there is perfect compared to this
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