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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 59.2 hrs on record (35.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 14 Aug, 2024 @ 3:21am

Highly recommended to anybody that likes puzzles, introspective thinking/philosophy, and people who just like a really intriguing story. Not a HUGE puzzle game player, but I wouldn't say I'm dumb and I was able to do all the puzzles (including all star levels, messenger, tower, etc.) without any guidances or walkthroughs. Though I did need a guide that had hints for getting the stars for a few as some locations eluded me. A good difficulty for most I'd think while still having challenge for those who play these kinds of games more often. Super fun puzzles with multiple endings and tons of extra content (as well as the DLC which I plan to try at some point). If you're thinking of getting it, get it. Especially if its on sale.
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