Andrew   Argentina
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Errungenschaften   15 von 65
HETRiXX 22. Mai 2024 um 23:57 
I divorced my wife of 20 years today, who also donated her kidney to me, because she dislikes The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. I’m furious, after 20 years you’d think you know someone right?
Today I asked her “hey I’m in the mood to watch some Star Wars, wanna join me?” To where she replied “sure.” I told her we can just skip all of the bad movies that the alt right has an obsession with (the prequels) and go straight to watching the objective masterpieces known as the ST. My wife LAUGHED (yes directly at me, no respect from this woman) replying she didn’t really like them and found them boring. I looked at her straight in the eye, it all became clear to me, my wife is a misogynist, she just hates women, she doesn’t respect women. So I slapped that dumb bxch in the face and screamed “I WILL NOT TOLERATE MISOGYNY IN THIS HOUSEHOLD, YOU JUST HATE IT BECAUSE IT HAS A FEMALE LEAD” she shen started crying and acting like a victim, so i just kicked her out
NewbieTuwbie 21. Apr. 2022 um 6:27 
Tomee 16. Apr. 2022 um 22:06 
Known as Zaxxxi we talked alot way back
Tomee 16. Apr. 2022 um 22:02 
Hello Andrew do you remember me Tommy
m41k0 27. Sep. 2021 um 2:06 
Przepis na bigos
2 kg kapusty
0,5 kg boczku świeżego
0,5 kg karkówki lub łopatki
0,5 kg kiełbasy głogowskiej(śląskiej)
20 dkg kiełbasy jałowcowej
30 dkg pieczarek lub grzybów suszonych
4 sztuki śliwek suszonych(bez pestek)
ziele angielskie,liście laurowe,pieprz,sól
2 cebule
1 słoiczek koncentratu pomidorowego
Kapustę zalać wodą, dodać ziele angielskie, liście laurowe. Mięso podsmażyć na tłuszczu, pokroić w kostkę, dodać do kapusty. Kiełbasę pokroić w kostkę podsmażyć razem z cebulką na tłuszczu, dodać do kapusty. Dodać pieczarki pokrojone lub grzybki suszone wcześniej namoczone i obgotowane w wodzie, w której się moczyły, oraz śliwki. Gotować bigos na wolnym ogniu, pod koniec gotowania dodać koncentrat pomidorowy, dobrze wymieszać, doprawić do smaku solą i pieprzem.
Doom64Fan 7. Sep. 2021 um 14:28 
i love you