Nels Anderson   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Helped design Firewatch, previously lead designer on Mark of the Ninja, and probably the only game developer in all of Canada that was born & raised in Wyoming.

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Rinku_Platino 29 Oct, 2018 @ 3:28pm 
Happy Halloween Nels! :summerghost: :summerskull:
Rinku_Platino 9 Dec, 2017 @ 5:19am 
Happy Holidays Nels! :dwayneelf::candycane:
Nelsormensch 7 Dec, 2012 @ 2:24pm 
Woohoo! Yeah, very cool they took the time to check it out.
Polly 7 Dec, 2012 @ 7:56am 
Pretty sure you already know, but you guys got a Quick Look for Don't Starve coming up on Giant Bomb and noon. Can't wait to see it! ;D
Polly 6 Nov, 2012 @ 9:43am 
Absolutely in love with Mark of the Ninja. My personal game of the year (if that means anything xP). Can't wait to dig into a deeper challenge with New Game+ here in a bit. It's at the top of my "What I'm giving people for Christmas" list this year because I want more people to experience how awesome it really is.

Can't wait to see what's next. :)
Biebs 3D 31 Oct, 2012 @ 1:49pm 
Thanks for making this great little 2D Masterpiece. I always wanted a 2D Stealth-Game like Mark of the Ninja. I hope you will make a Sequel. Happy Halloween Sir!