Vasterhaninge, Stockholms Lan, Sweden

The Cross , Alpha , Omega , Infinity , Time , Key of Life , Gene , Scale of Balance , Victory , Laurel , Sun ( Actually , not our Sun ) , Thunder, Universe Creation , Protection , Death of Satan Serpent , Hub of the Universe .

1 hr 58 mins and 42 seconds

in comaprison with cyberspace and real space, there is no difference. the only difference is that there is no pain, nor death. you're only defeated even when you get hit with a disintebeam or killbeam. in the battlegrounds, the above elements are prohibited and restricted.

Champion , Power and Glory , Hall of Fame , Lifetime Achievement , Roman Numeral : Number I , Star , Superstar .

Control , Ice , Water , Fire , Earth-Soil-Land-Ground , Poison , Metal , Death or Living Creature , Thunder , Air , Plant , Unnamed Factors ( Underworld Factors ) .

Bars of Court , Judgment , Satan Execution , Severe - Stern , Justice First ,


Control , Universe , 600 Billions Galaxies , Stars , Nebula ,

I get victory, these days -- haven't suffered IRRATIONAL freak-outs or nightmares. So long as my enemies are atheists, it seems like certain victory! Victory is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ so easy! How can it not happen any instant?

Disbelief quickly gave way to conspiracy theories and suspicions. These ideas from the fringe found a fertile breeding ground on the Internet and today many of them, through the power of almost infinite repetition, have nearly gained the status of truth.

I've been waging spiritual warfare for years. Might hit kids once in a while. Indian doctor had buck teef, maybe like walrus (vaguely). Saw a llama, maybe looked like Lenny Kravitz. How is that relevant? Musician. caring woman was protecting Lenny Kravitz, a child. FBI or angels have neural nets that can find animals that vaguely resemble humans. Saw a musk ox, maybe like Albert from Little House on Prairre (resembles me). Maybe, not.
I laughed. It's been a while since I worried about reincarnation. I always win in spiritual warfare, now.

G-d says... doings fairly holding faithfully man's All humbled account struggles sufferest fittest aloft Cup athirst either parts Pakistan 03/19/01 everfixed Altar unrulily just_lovely shoot Future mentioned ensuing according fury final software All-mightiness blushed scorn scruple

Big Bang .

Jack and Jill went up the hill so Jack could lick her candy. Jack got a shock, and a mouthful of ♥♥♥♥, cause Jills real name was Randy.

Financial crisis , National debt crisis , studio close , bankrupt , job loss , house loss , people reduce spending , low profit , … From H U Y N H P H U D A T - 023750260 - Vietnam to every game studio around the world , game publisher , to every comic studio , comic publisher , film studio , … intend to find The Light of Financial in the Dark Age of Financial Crisis , the Hope of your Studio , your Company .

the best ♥♥♥♥♥♥ man's look my team really we can't win


1) On The Scale of Balance , you will choose 1 man on the left weight and 1 woman on the right weight are balanced or unbalanced ?
A Islamic patient must choose : on the Scale of Balance 1 man on left weight and 1 woman on right weight are balanced if he want his doctor believe that he recover his health. This is a correct answer inside all asylum in this world .

2) On The Scale of Balance , you will choose 1 man on the left weight and 4 women on the right weight are balanced or unbalanced ?
A Islamic patient must choose : on the Scale of Balance 1 man on left weight and 4 women on right weight are balanced if he want his doctor believe that he recover his health . This is a correct answer inside all asylum in this world .
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Dungeon Defenders
2 2
I call this character is the ARMOR

2 palm 2 symbols ( Rolling planet shape modifying symbol ), 2 sole 2 thunder symbol ( the thunder symbol can be rotate and design to have the most beautiful view ) , thunder symbol foot will give thunder footmark when be this char move on the ground , 2 sun symbol on knee , 4 life symbol on 2 shins 2 calf ( Egypt cross and gene symbol - or the life is at the low position to the high , higher , highest to the Cross ) , justice symbol on the 2 hams .

Time symbol on the great belt , we can think about sthing like WWE champion belt , the shape should like that , when this char move , fighting , the shape of the body will “ EAT “ the shape of the belt , jjudo chmapion so the shape of the belt will not make this char feel embarrass when this char fighter .

This Armor have 7 couple wings .

Cross on the mask, Alpha Omega ( 3 with white color ) on 2 arms , Infinity symbol on Ellipses badge on the chest or Infinity symbol only , Time symbol on the great belt , the 2 long symbols l on the 2 gauntlets is the Universe creation symbol , thunder symbols on the soles .

All the symbol of the Armor it mean Made by G-d ( Because G-d don’t want to see the cross on the shin so he replace it by Egypt cross , and the meaning of Egypt cross is “ Key of Life “ too .

This is the Armor that G-d send to many Angels to protect them when G-d create the UNIVERSE and modifying planet shape , Angels clean the Universe after that process . When Angels don’t need to use them , 1 of them send it to the earth so the Armor can choose his new boss for protecting the Earth .


if U have HeartConscienceMoralityResponsibility: To build a building on an area which grow grass , bush , tree we have to destroy the plants . After finishing , we never replant destroyed plants . We can get LEED certificate of Green Buildings , ISO 14000 - Environmental Management certificate , industry certificate , agriculture certificate or meet US EPA environmental standards even we never replant destroyed plants .The environmental policies were wrong , only focus on air , water , energy & forget destroyed plants .


READ:Knowledge of human are as small as sands . Atheists are arrogant about their knowledge , not modest about the sands . If G-d created the universe , = 300 or 400 billion galaxies in the universe or more than that . Earth is 1 planet inside 1 galaxy , the earth = 5.972E24 kg = 5,972,190,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg = (1.31664251759790396e+25) lbs . 1 person weight 70 kg = 155 lbs . Universe age = 13.82 billion years , earth age = 4.543 billion years . Technology + knowledge of human's civilization = from the first production of stone artefacts, about 2.5 million years ago, to the end of the last Ice Age, about 9,600 BCE , = +2.5 million years , perhaps become civilized in 11000 years . Today do we know all about earth & the body of human 100% ? There are too many small things like virus that we can’t defeat them . If we don’t know all so do we have enough ability to find G-d’s evidence . I teach you about humility . The technology + knowledge of 11000 years human's civilation can find evidence of God or has enough knowledge to to answer " does G-d exit , the owner of universe which 13.82 billion years years old & 300 or 400 billion galaxies or more than that " ? It's too lame , faulty . U can read the debate between me & atheists here


I'm going to your door and I'm going to plant a very fat mojon for you, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and jilipoyas comepollas

When we do research Climate research , we have many results just like the temperature of Earth or many locations , areas increase or decrease , we know how strong a storm , tornado is , the speed of storm ,we know how many storm ..... . We know ocean , plants absorb CO2 / water and create O2 , ..... . We have many data system . It's really good . I – Huynh Phu Dat really respect your works , scientific work . And than many scientific reports appear on many respective magazine like Nature , ..... . with amazing definition for solving Climate Change : decreasing CO2 will solve Climate Change . I can't understand why all of you – real scientist - do that . Why tell your governments and human kind a answer like that ? We need focus more on Climate Change and CO2 / water are main problems .
Even how great the data results you have , about Earth , Plants , Ocean , Atmosphere , .... Please realize : the CO2 of atmosphere is increasing because ocean , plants , land , ........CAN'T ABSORB ALL CO2 , Or :
Value of CO2 pollution of human kind > Value of CO2 that plants , ocean , lands , ............... can absorb . Well done , NOAA CWCP when finished NOAA CWCP building at 2009 . And Value of CO2 pollution of human kind minus Value of CO2 that plants , ocean , lands , ............... can absorb => value of CO2 pollution increased of atmosphere .
If the value of ocean , plants , land , ...... totally absorb 1 lbs CO2 every year . And we create 2 lbs CO2 every year . So ocean , plants , land absorb 1 lbs CO2 . 2 – 1 = 1 . 1 lbs is a value that ocean , plants , land , .... can't absorb . Solving CO2 pollution by decreasing CO2 emission sound great and what is the limit of CO2 that land , ocean , plants can absorb? Can 7 000 000 000 human kind decrease CO2 pollution to the limit of CO2 than land , ocean , plants , ..... can absorb ? Please remember we destroy forest everyday and our population is increasing every day . China is a very polluted 1 billions citizens country , it's nice to see China now allow family can have more than 1 child , what will happen with polluted 2 600 000 000 citizens country ? What is the limit of China's population base on China's area ?
What is the limit of the population the world should have ? Shall the population should keep about 5 or 6 billion . Is it the time we stop increase population ? Is each country base on area , have a limit of population and population of each country should smaller than that because of limit of CO2's pollution of each country include land , plants , ocean , ..... can absorb .
I don't believe CO2 pollution of human can decrease equal with value of CO2 that plants , ocean , lands , ............... can absorb at least in next 5 or 10 years .
Perhaps we can't solve all human pollution , but begin with small part like building , we can have a better hope . I am working with part 2 . I hope I can finish this work in 2 or 3 days .


The CIA is setting lots and lots of fires, like anarchists, watching the world burn. "Windows RT real-time"
♥♥♥♥♥♥ tower of babble, dark ages, of Biblical proportions and I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Noah with a useless ship.
They're pouring gas everywhere and burning down the swamp while frog slither into corners where they writye ten line of code a day and jerk off to the web.
Have you seen Qt, that graphics library?
How about all the ♥♥♥♥ they add to C++! ROFLMAO
When man A / Muhammad eat food , food give man A / Muhammad energy = 220 J , man A / Muhammad shall use 220 J to love their wives , 220 J are value of love of man A / Muhammad . Man A / Muhammad can live 220 years with their wives . When man A / Muhammad live with their wives , man A / Muhammad do 22 times act A , 22 times act B . When man A / Muhammad go to bed with their wives , they love their wives and man A / Muhammad do 22 times act C , 22 times act D when they “ love “ their wives . Man A have 1 wife , Muhammad have 22 wives .
So love of man A with 1 wife is 220 J , he do 22 times act A , 22 times act B . When he “ love “his wife , he do 22 times act C , 22 times act D . Man A live with his wife 220 years .All things of man A on left weight of the Scale of Balance
Damn, they're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on an epic scale. My mouth
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in this game u r boy in spase ship in spase and u are planet and monster plnanet bad monster in planet try killing u. bad man spotlight eye tryy kill you theater u must use bomb to win game bomb is best waepon use light flying best flying u can aslo flying
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AitoJudeKuustCtypecat+cattypesee 1 Jul, 2024 @ 1:48pm 
Don't believe what this guy is told to you! First he seems to be big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, then he said he owns some kinda strawberry farm and tryed to know me better. He seems to be legit boss, he had website and everythig. So i took the job what he offered me.. He said he will pay my rent, water, electric and i can use the house wifi. Okey, i moved to Finland and went work on him farm. We had deal 1,5€/Litre of strawberrys.. He didn't tell me that after that i have to pay tax to Finland and etc. so after all tax + other ♥♥♥♥♥, rly what i got in my hand was 0,5€/Litre of strawberrys and he sold my wife to russian whorehouses. WTF?!?!? THIS IS SCAMMER
icewalow_come_ 23 Jun, 2024 @ 5:35pm 
Please sign my profile vro❤️
76561199629082776 9 Feb, 2024 @ 5:28am 
+rep koodailkaa tytöt tälle heti kun täytätte 16v
ransuS 11 Jan, 2024 @ 9:55am 
Kelpaisiko nuorelle tytön tyllerölle lesbo-sex. Ilmainen pillua 2km VAIN lähistölläsi. Tule ilmainen pano.
-ei rekisteröitymistä
-ei nimiä
-ei numeroita
Vain kova anal-sex kaksi REKISTERÖIDY HETI ILMAISEKSI!!
(Rekisteröitymismaksu vain 4 dollaria)
Luomupiirakka 20 Dec, 2023 @ 7:29am 
joo moi :csgo_headshot:
Sysop 26 Nov, 2023 @ 2:33am 