Lucid dreaming Dragon.
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Planetside 2 Vanguard montage: Narvguard - When your shells are guided by someone else(Reupload)
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Evolve Stage 2
POV: In-game chat🐲 (Limit reached)
I only log messages here when they are from a random and contain at least Narv once.

Battlefield 2042
TALOS-863084: Animal of a pilot

Planetside 2
MrVonziVS: Narv123 = Hacker
MrVonziVS: repuorted
MrVonziVS: Narv123 = Hacker
MrVonziVS: Hacker ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ProGamerGermamy: hope u die
ProGamerGermamy: u bot i saw u stats
ProGamerGermamy: u bot
IronMouse: i so wish to pound your cheater head into a pulp right now
IronMouse: eat ♥♥♥♥ cheating Professional
dlawnetsO: Narv123 such an obvious esp its not even funny
dlawnetsO: Go hang yourself you cheating ♥♥♥♥

Team Fortress 2
Spaghetti: you're so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ annoying narv
Spaghetti: ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥
samasaj2008: narv123 hacker, he can see me in invisible
proutman: HAHAHHA FAT ♥♥♥♥ CAMPING
proutman: GO PLAY COD ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
proutman: Narv i hope you die soon
vedmak: Narv je vyjebana sracka a neumi hrat nic jineho
Palkovvodec_Krass: Narv is hacking, now Ive seen this clear XD
RataDeOrdenador: kick narv
RataDeOrdenador: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ aimbot
noly: narv might be cheating
lookyvk: YO NARV GET A LIFE!!!
Buhoj Bober: narv too strange
Buhoj Bober: maybe and cheater
jaja: narv having so much fun with his tbag pocket ♥♥♥♥♥
There are only 2 genders: narv with the GOD STRAT
gregge 2.0: narv is jugging
gregge 2.0: I cant jug with narv this is so sad
Mr. Dan: narv hacker?
Cocklin: Narv ♥♥♥♥ off
thefalacer: narv is hacking ig
thefalacer: winning with cheaater congratz
thefalacer: narv123 is hacking
sedenn_y: ♥♥♥♥ of narv
trenbolone acetate gaming: narv123 is cheating
trenbolone acetate gaming: he got minigun tapfire
janek: narv is cheating
janek: narv nice critbucket
Lord Remiem: eat ** narv
nerve pitch: your cheater is back
nerve pitch: Narv123
true american eagle: narv is cheater
true american eagle: silent aimbot by spectating
true american eagle: narv is a closet cheater
Hamiba: YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥ *****
Hamiba: Narv get a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ LIFE
Yanychar.UA: narvl chiter
Heniek888: Narv gaming
TNTY: narv how u see them trough walls mate?
Soldier TF2: narv's kinda acting a bit sus with those flicks
A Tight Budget: narv is really sus
A Tight Budget: snap aiming to people
A Tight Budget: practically shooting through walls
Gmurowski: kick narv
7/11 survivor: narv is locking onto people..
o7: kick narv
o7: he just killed me invis
jakubowsky: narv is such a camper
Your Drunk Angry Stepdad: narv ****** trying not to use crithacks
RensMienjong: narv is getting on my narvs
Sensei Seagal: narv hacker
Sensei Seagal: btw
Sensei Seagal: narv123
SoapMaker: ye narv has aimbot
Sensei Seagal: maybe kick hacker?
SoapMaker: f1 aimbot
Sensei Seagal: kick him
MINICUBANT: second time you are focused on shooting my team and suddenly you shot at the spy on your back
IDEMM0SP0RT: narv ls *****
|RLC| Welder: Narv cheats btw
|RLC| Welder: kick him pls
|RLC| Welder: he is too sus
|RLC| Welder: spec him
|RLC| Welder: nice air sticky destroying
|RLC| Welder: kick cheater pls
|RLC| Welder: Narv123
DEAD|RLC| Welder: kick him pls
|RLC| Welder: he uses doubletap or something
|RLC| Welder: kick cheater btw
|RLC| Welder: Narv
DEAD{|} Jerkanx:.: kindergarten nap time
{|} Jerkanx:.: it's like im playing alone dude
{|} Jerkanx:.: kill yourself
{|} Jerkanx:.: and narv
{|} Jerkanx:.: you need to get a better ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pocket
mudkip: cheating bastard
mudkip: ♥♥♥♥ you narv you're a cheating piece of
mudkip: blu for the love of god kick him
mudkip: obviously wallhacking
mudkip: kept just SOMEHOW knowing people were round corners
mudkip: i tested him by jumping round a corner from the back so he couldn't see me and he insta snapped
mudkip: you guys gonna kick your blatant cheater or just keep ignoring me?
mudkip: narv
mudkip: he is 100% cheating
mudkip: if you can't see him snapping you're legit blind
mudkip: you guys saw that right
mudkip: he started spinning facing upwards
mudkip: his profile has hackusations all over it too
Stellar Boner ♔: narv is this how you unwind after a double shift or what
Stellar Boner ♔: narv is this how you unwind after a triple shift or what
FIX YOUR GAME GOLF DEVS!: Narv, what is your secret?
FIX YOUR GAME GOLF DEVS!: Is it gamer fuel?
Narv123: guys fatman has no spread on his minigun
『 ᴡᴇʙ﹩』 FATMAN: [cheater] Narv123: guys fatman has no spread on his minigun
Leo.: hello narv
omg yos: known cheater
omg yos: > Name: sensible questioner > BanDate: 2023-07-28 12:08:30 > BanReason: [Anti-Cheat] Aimbot Detected (CMSP) | Weap
A Class Main: narv is hacking, can you kick him?
A Class Main: silent aimbot
Karl's Left Nut: I SPECTATED HIM
Kono Dio Da: me too
be cool: narv how u so damn goot
be cool: good*
Agent M: HEY NARV????
Agent M: spawncamping is ok, but not when u have a bot
Agent M: and he cant even read this narv guy
Agent M: Narv u have no skill
0 e 沙鹰大师 大佬: ♥♥♥♥ OFF
0 e 沙鹰大师 大佬: narv mate you saw me cloaked
0 e 沙鹰大师 大佬: you have blatant hacks
0 e 沙鹰大师 大佬: didn't say you were cheating did I, I said Narv is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sus he saw fully cloaked guys narv is hacking
i steal cheeze: narv is cheating
Huntingtomatoes: narv you too good
The swagger's demise: narv goated
iwakeupinnewbuggati: narv is cheating too
officer sex: wp narv lmao
kanonkongen: narv cheater
kanonkongen: narv123hacker
KoPoHaMuKPo6: Nerv VERY suspicuous
Scout gaming: Narv123 do you like the heavy class?
RUI: cool minigun narv
Captain: nice loadout narv
ESCO: nice one narv
Bak$: Guys
Bak$: YKick narv123
Bak$: Hacker
R: narv cheat
HaylingZar: the heavy i dont think he is cheating just very sweaty virgin probably never touch grass
Bak$: narv 100 % bot
Mustifik: narv is a bot
R: narv bot
R: ♥♥♥♥ you cheater
R: narv wall beatches
NukaColaCherry: narv man
NukaColaCherry: how much health did you have lol
Smoke: narv is cheating
Smoke: snaps his view and gets 'random' crits all the time
takkYu: kick the cheater
takkYu: new team. please kick the heavy cheater now
takkYu: narv123 is hacking. have fun blu
takkYu: narv123 is hacking. have fun blu
takkYu: narv <3 is love
takkYu: GO NARV GO
Rɐsʞoๅuᴉʞoʌ: ♥♥♥♥ YOU NARV123
Rɐsʞoๅuᴉʞoʌ: bravo idiot heavy
timur: bad game
timur: narv cheating
Nevergøne: narv you really good heavy
0 e 小龙虾: narv is cracked
Slovenský Hráč: narv u fishy af
Slovenský Hráč: thats 'legit'
Slovenský Hráč: yup he locks
Slovenský Hráč: Narv i hope you get testicular cancer:3
patrikb42: narv are you a scaley
Wolfie: Nice killstreak NArv
jUzE321: kik narvl
jUzE321: aim lok hevy
Jansson350 #FIXTF2: Nice unusual minigun, narv:D
Maria Melissa: Narv, wegen der Schokolade bist du mir sofort sympatisch
hscem: narv has cheats
hscem: shooting an invis spy
hscem: pls kick
Lack_8p: ♥♥♥♥ YOU NARV123
Lack_8p: narv i will stick my baugette in your mouth
Tom: narv isnt a real person
Heavy Enjoyer: nah its just narv and oliver cooking
Heavy Enjoyer: great to see you cooking narv
Divus #FixTF2: ‌yeah that heavy is cheating‍
Divus #FixTF2: ‌narv‍
Divus #FixTF2: ‌he spins around instantly like a bot‍
⁠‍​​Nyarlathotep‍⁠: ​‍​just a stupid cheater​⁠​‍
‌‍‌‍*DEAD*(TEAM) ‍Nyarlathotep⁠‌: ‌⁠‍kick narv123‍​‍‍⁠​‌⁠‍‌​​
General Spy #FixTF2: ‌im pretty sure narv and P are hacking‍
‌‌⁠​General Spy #FixTF2‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​ok, i really dont trust P and narv, they defiently arent legit players i can tell‌​​​⁠​​‌
⁠‍​​( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)‍⁠: ​‍​Narv you beast gg
POV: In-game chat🐲
I only log messages here when they are from a random and contain at least Narv once.

Team Fortress 2

Antal KeyWest‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​Narv is a **** without pocket‌​​​⁠​​‌
Antal KeyWest: ‌narv get cancer with your premades‍
‌‌⁠​Ghost Toast‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​and narv on your team is aimbotting‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Beşir‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv is cheating‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​black left testicle‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​Narv how often do you shower yourself‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​herved25$‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​kick NARV123‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​herved25$‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​BLU kick narv123‌​​​⁠​​‌
Adam propiman: ‌go disconnect narv ‍
Adam propiman: ‌now‍
‌‌⁠​Adam propiman‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​die in hell with the biggest oains ever imaginable watch your family die before your very eyes then get cancer‌​​​⁠​​‌
‍Ommie: ‌narv you're way too good with that minigun‍
‌‌⁠​hallulucinations‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv123 cheating?‌​​​⁠​​‌
BanderState | A-10 Thunderbolt‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​kick hacker‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌⁠​BanderState | A-10 Thunderbolt‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv123 wallhack‌​​​⁠​​‌
Valkorion‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​I mean, your team and Narv is doing surprisingly well‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Valkorion‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​and especially Narv‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Valkorion‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​and everyone is agreeing‌​​​⁠​​‌
Coffee: ‌narvi cheating but is ok‍
Coffee: ‌*** i got him recorded‍
‌‌⁠​Coffee‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​is cheating ‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Coffee‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​im out‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Valkorion‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​but now I quite agree with others‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Valkorion‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​he is sus‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​hallulucinations‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​RED KICK YOUR CHEATER, THANKS‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​hallulucinations‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​BLUE kick cheater narv‌​​​⁠​​‌
hallulucinations: ‌narv123 was cheating‍
‌‌⁠​troll‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv killed 2 lobbies‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​troll‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv killed 3 lobbies now‌​​​⁠​​‌
mohamed: ‌AIMBOT‍
‍mohamed: ‌what a cheater‍
‌‌⁠​mohamed‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​kick him or i wont play‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​mohamed‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​lol triggerbot‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​mohamed‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​whats the matter cant u talk u cheater narv‌​​​⁠​​‌
Someone: ‌NARV HACKER‍
‌‌⁠​AIKermit‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv is a beast tho‌​​​⁠​​‌
Pyroland: ‌SON OF ♥♥♥♥♥‍
‌‌⁠​Pyroland‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​NARV LEARN PLAY WITHOUT W+M1‌​​​⁠​​‌
Pyroland: ‌HAHAHA NARV YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥‍
‌‌⁠​Pyroland‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​W+M1 NOOB‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Pyroland‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​NARV SON OF ♥♥♥♥♥ WHAT YOU CAN WITHOUT YOUR FRIEND MEDIC AND W+M1‌​​​⁠​​‌
‍Pyroland: ‌AHAHAH NARV OFF YOUR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AIM
‌‌⁠​Octosassin‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv i miss you‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Bog‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​I too miss narv‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Octosassin‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv solos‌​​​⁠​​‌
Im literally Oliver Queen: ‌♥♥♥♥ YOU ♥♥♥♥♥ QSS NQRV!'£‍
Im literally Oliver Queen: ‌NARV123‍
Im literally Oliver Queen: ‌♥♥♥♥ >YOU NARV123‍
‌‌⁠​Sir Radzig Kobyla‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​lol you got cheater‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Sir Radzig Kobyla‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​btw narv is cheating‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Sir Radzig Kobyla‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​l0l‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Glitchclaire‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​gj narv‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Glitchclaire‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NARV!‌​​​⁠​​‌
gzoon: ‌narv dont leave‍
‌‌⁠​Zekk‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​is that the real narv?‌​​​⁠​​‌
Scout PayDay: i love narv123 just miniguning around the map
‌‌⁠​Scruug‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​Narv123 you are a rly good heavy‌​​​⁠​​‌
‌‌⁠​Scruug‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​any tips‌​​​⁠​​‌
Kolio Terrorista: ‌heavy luck rigth there‍
Kolio Terrorista: ‌fat piece of ♥♥♥♥‍
Kolio Terrorista: ‌narvk ys‍
‌‌⁠​Soviet Onion‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​hi again narv btw‌​​​⁠​​‌
PEPE: ‌HAcker‍
PEPE: ‌Narv‍
AnglerFish: ‌narvl cheating‍
PEPE: ‌Narv is cheating‍
PEPE: ‌autoaimbot‍
PEPE: ‌narv lol‍
PEPE: ‌look at his aiming‍
PEPE: ‌cheater Narv says cheater
‌‌⁠​AnglerFish‍​⁠: ⁠‌​​​​narv grow a spine and ***, everybody in your family is waitiong for it‌​​​⁠​​‌
Number 18: yheah dude is chetaing
Number 18: Narv
Number 18: cheaterwhorekid
Number 18: Narv = cheater
Number 18: dude are u all braindead here to see hsi aimcheats and wh ?
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4,118 hrs on record
last played on 20 Mar
62 hrs on record
last played on 11 Mar
182 hrs on record
last played on 8 Mar
Number 18 14 Mar @ 5:01pm 
another nobody from real life cheating ingame to compensate his loser failure life and disability for any success
tumblr sexyman 9 Mar @ 10:02am 
i commented because his minigun said so
Keril 25 Feb @ 9:22am 
+rep incredible accuracy
hardy. 3 Feb @ 1:17pm 
yoo, added man
Cheerleader Blossom 15 Jan @ 11:34am 
had to comment after been told so by your weapo ndecsription
47DaNNy 5 Jan @ 1:06am 
Frohes neues, schokospatz