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1 person found this review helpful
120.0 hrs on record (88.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Highly Recommended
v0.1.0 ~ v0.1.0c

After playing about 30 hours in PoE2 so far, it is time for a quick review:

PoE2 is really polished for a Beta and Early Access version 0.1.0 !!
Way more stuff to come during development and balance changes !!
Therefore this PoE2 review becomes changed and updated in future ..

My personal downside on PoE2 is however:
  • if you die, map resets but keeps unrevealed
  • upon death champion mobs and all dropped loot is gone besides Quest Items
  • teleporting to base any minute to clear up inventory
  • no Open World, maybe it becomes implemented on a later stage
  • no deep crafting so far, maybe in a later major update
  • no in-game Market, yet ?
  • Nickname creating is limited to lower and upper case letters only ..

A huge "plus" in PoE2 is:
  • PoE2 rocks performance-wise, really optimized !!
  • in-game scenery and environment is harsh & brutal
  • Incredibly amazing music and environment of maps, details of units
  • Player characters are shared throughout all servers/gateways
  • No Server Shards, I have never been a fan of Server Shards
  • If you are common with (MMO)RPG and ARPG games, skilling in PoE2 is easy
  • Lots of Skillsets and complex combinations already present
  • You feel the LOVE which the Developers of GGG have used to create this game

I think I do have more hours into PoE2 already, than in D4 .. exclude my Closed Alpha/Beta hours for D4. All the player characters in D4 feels wrong .. even Diablo Immortal feels better if Diablo Immortal wasn't a pure Pay2Win game..

  • Market has been implemented by using various "Premium Stash Tabs"
  • "poe2.sale" leads to the official PoE2 "trade2" site to price check and to see listed items
Posted 8 December, 2024. Last edited 15 December, 2024.
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0.4 hrs on record

A Battlefield-COD-Hybrid .. clearly in asian style. So far so good ..
but graphics on my 4090 @ 240 Hz, gameplay and handling, well, everything in-game is absolutely cheaply done .. and the minimap lags, too.

Delta Force is in no competition to the superior Battlefield series .. and even that free COD is better.

Game is free and all, you can unlock all stuff for free yet, lots of weapon customizations, but the cheap, VERY CHEAP, gameplay feeling absolutely negates all of this. It feels like a mobile port.

DF is highly NOT recommended !!
Posted 4 December, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
84.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
as i was posting these following short bullet points in their Steam Forums, i have been permanently banned from their Steam Hub as it seems the developers do not tolerate any negative "short" criticism. this is my very first and instant permanent ban in my ~20 years of career on Steam !! they suppress and silence everyone to "distort" their reputation !! a very shady and suspect developer you encounter here, so be aware ::

unbalanced since a few months already ..

  • • 5 loss/tries in a row in a single match after reaching 8/9 of 10 wins, sux

  • • gaining 0 ranks upon a win sux

  • • current worse and worst unbalanced rng match maker, sux

  • • there are still exploits around to gain infinite armor and health, sux sux sux

  • • there is also an exploit to permanently stun players, instant-loss, sux

  • • all my classes are stucked around rank 30 platinum for months, sux

  • • i uninstall and reinstall this annoying game in a love-hate relationship, sux

they delete all negative comments over there to distort their reputation, and apply straight a perm-ban after a few minutes of posting, without even had a chance to edit my bullet points post. it was my very first post on their steam forums .. and my last one!!

all my positive feedback and bug/exploit reports through eMail for nothing or what?

Steam Support has been alerted in a very detailed ticket .. !!
I also contact their Publisher IndieArk about this "incident" .. !!

Additionally I now try to refund this game after ~85 hours .. "OF TESTING" and supporting..
I do no longer support this shady Developer who literally "suppress & silence" players .. !!

this aint democracy, this is a negative dictation which clearly misrepresent themselves ..

:steamthumbsdown: :steamthumbsdown: :steamthumbsdown:

P.S.: reporting posts on Steam is NOT done ANONYMOUSLY, as these developers also punished me for reporting a toxic "skill issue" post of an other user who wrote against these bullet points I had posted, as they stated in my perm-ban notification ...

this particular thread has been completely deleted already by the developers .. of course

Highly, very heavily recommended !!
100% Pay-2-Play
100% No Pay-2-Win
Play with Infinite combinations and variations of equipment and gear ..
Amazing 1-on-1 PvP game ..
Play Ranked or Unranked 1-on-1 matches ..
Chilly Game
GOTY 2024 for sure !!
Posted 7 November, 2024. Last edited 20 February.
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1 person found this review helpful
3.5 hrs on record

From Start to End ::

00. Unpacking pre-load for 15 minutes on my high-end machine
01. I have been one of the very first "F2P" enterer, all servers had been open
02. GateServer disconnect simulator
03. Character Creation Locked simulator
04. Bugged ENTER button in main menu simulator
05. Black screen simulator
06. Menu Lock simulator
07. Game & Steam restart simulator
08. Not possible to play with friends simulator (on a same shard ??)
09. Appearance EXPORT / IMPORT simulator, does NOT work at all ..
10. Character re-creation simulator
11. Server Full simulator
12. Queue Simulator
13. Reconnection simulator
14. Repeat everything mentioned above .. simulator
15. Once in-game after 4 hours of hassle, name is already in use simulator

Thanks, never again !!

As a former Lineage II and Aion hardcore player as well as on Blade and Soul, especially on NA servers and later on these Classic Servers, the TL gameplay and controls in tutorial feels way too off, which happens even "before" nickname selection.

You go through multiple hassles for about 4 hours to finally be able to play the short tutorial, then to see your nickname is already in use afterwards . . . with very limited options !! Which braindead people thought this would be a great idea ?!! There is a Déjà-vu . . .

I exactly know what these have thought about this. Trying to make you addictive. It is a psychological aspect . . !!

Also ::

These dozens of shards even isolates players, has nothing to do with the terminology "MMO" . . It is a matter of time until server shards merge together which will surely cause more issues and problems.

Additionally you begin with fully equipped skill bars .. and unrealistic huge swords .. wtf is that ?!! Lineage II Gracia Part 2/Gracia Final/Classic and Aion v2.7/v4.7/Classic are completely different and by far way way better .. !! These were the best !!

TL;DR ::

Game feels rushed, unpolished, unfinished, sloppy, boring, story non-existent, clearly a cash grab .. !! THRONE & LIBERTY is NOT recommended !!

Stay far away from Amazon Gaming and Gameforge at all in general . . . !!

Fall back and play Aion Classic through NC's Purple Launcher instead .. and wait for their next NCSoft-exclusive titles which are NOT published by Amazon or Gameforge !!!

Posted 1 October, 2024. Last edited 1 October, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Everything works as intended for an Closed Alpha. Some UI glitches here and there.

In 2025 SMITE 2 will be finished as they have announced it ..
Posted 27 August, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
361.8 hrs on record
Posted 11 July, 2024. Last edited 11 July, 2024.
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10 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
18.0 hrs on record
And the best Battlefield game is gone .. !!
Posted 21 March, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
0.1 hrs on record
"It's time to rock n roll!"
Posted 7 March, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
98.6 hrs on record (98.2 hrs at review time)

It is really beautifully done, you see and feel the love which have been input into this project.
Thank you for this .. !!

Posted 7 March, 2024.
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15 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
15.3 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Posted 7 March, 2024. Last edited 7 March, 2024.
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