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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 19.0 hrs on record
Posted: 8 Aug, 2020 @ 11:38pm

Absolutely an Amazing Game! The first few hours were breath taking, as you explore the world of Columbia and it's mysteries. Things start to get a little repetitive during the middle section of the game, with the same feeling of combat, find a new area, search, fight and repeat. However, the discovery of new Vigors and combining traps with others made it somewhat interesting. The last few hours of the game though, that's something different. The story becomes one of the most intriguing stories I've ever experienced, going from something that seemed simple and shallow to unexpected turns and shocking moments. Truly a beautiful game.
Would 10/10 recommend for anyone, just push through the few hours of repetition (that's still fun, don't get me wrong), and you'll be in for a treat.
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