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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
[M.C.I] Stations
Collection by Mr. Midori
Space stations, planetary outposts, and other structures built by M.C.I to facilitate refueling, ship building/maintenance, and planetary settlement.
[M.C.I] Combat Vessels And Attachments
Collection by Mr. Midori
Combat ships, fighters, missiles, and ship modules used and operated by M.C.I security forces for the task of anti-piracy and patrol duties.
[M.C.I] Small Grid Ships and Rovers
Collection by Mr. Midori
Rovers, shuttles, hoverbikes, and other vehicles built by M.C.I.
[MCI] Civilian Ships
Collection by Mr. Midori
Civilian freighters, tankers, shuttles, mobile factories, and other ships built by M.C.I.
The Boneyard
Collection by Mr. Midori
Old ships, stations, and other vehicles no longer worked on or updated by MCI, but are fully functional. Reasons for discontinuation include no longer meeting MCIs evolving standards in design and capability.
Midori Consolidated Industries
Collection by Mr. Midori
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midori Consolidated Industries, or MCI, is a prominent starship manufacturer that places a strong emphasis on utility and reliability, prioritizing functi
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