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4.5 ч. всего
I dug a hole. Diggy diggy hole.
Опубликовано 16 февраля.
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1.9 ч. всего
The game ran pretty badly on my laptop with a 2060 despite it being a small and simple game and for some reason lowering lighting quality also made the area even darker??

Game was pretty fun tho, also was pretty quick to get all 7 achievements without some headache secret achievement so that's a plus. For less than $3 I'd say it's worth it for the unique horror experience.
Опубликовано 16 декабря 2024 г.. Отредактировано 16 декабря 2024 г..
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54.2 ч. всего (49.9 ч. в момент написания)
First thing to keep in mind, is that it's 3 player coop. Not 4 like you would expect in a squad shooter. If you like Warhammer, get this. There's no doubt in my mind you will love the story and have fun in the side story missions after. If you just want a squad based coop game to play with 2 other friends, this is also a great game for that. The teamwork and different classes form enough variety for lots of fun. The replayability of the multiplayer PVE missions isn't great I will admit since you play through the exact same missions every time with the only variety being the enemy amount and difficulty. If you're used to that from being a L4D2 player then you'll fit right in.
Опубликовано 28 ноября 2024 г..
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0.6 ч. всего
Опубликовано 21 ноября 2024 г..
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4.0 ч. всего
I really wanted to recommend this game but I can't. A PVE/PVP Stalker game? How could you not love the game?? However as a solo player my experience at first was fine, just some missions near your starting base. But once I got missions that were even slightly further out, I got killed every single time I ventured out. You'll get killed before you can even figure out where you're being shot from, or you get killed reading a quest objective and an enemy player just popped out of a building behind you and guns you down, or you just so happen to run into a group of players and you might kill one of them, MAYBE 2 of them but the other(s) will kill you, or the best one where you get killed by a high level player hiding in some brush waiting for new players to pass by.

As a solo: Hard pass this game, not worth it
Duo: Not recommended but possible
Group play: can see this being very fun
Опубликовано 8 ноября 2024 г..
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3.0 ч. всего
Fantastic game but to be honest, it's not worth $13. But I am on the stingy side to take that as you will. The game is really only like 2 hours. I just took an extra hour looking through everything to be thorough.
Опубликовано 8 ноября 2024 г..
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0.2 ч. всего (0.1 ч. в момент написания)
Don't look at my steam playtime. It's not going to be accurate. I bought this game initially on my phone and decided to buy it again for steam in case I felt like playing while at home on my PC. Bless the devs for allowing you to copy achievement progress from mobile to PC btw, such a player friendly option especially since achievements unlock new content.

Absolutely love this game, you can play it as casually as you want, or have as stressful of a time as you want. It's a perfect way to pass the time and I especially recommend it for playing it on mobile whether that's buying it on your phone, or on steam to play on the steam deck. It's literally the first game I've ever bought on my phone and it's so good it's worth buying it on steam as well to be sure. The gameplay is self explanatory and super easy to pick up as abilities are explained how they work. There are issues with some of the gameplay but fixes to those would be quality of life rather than dealbreakers and I'm thoroughly hooked on this game. If you want a more in depth review on the game, I'm sure others could provide a more in-depth one for you but if you can't tell if you'd like the game from the steam page alone, just try the Demo! It is it's own full experience to get a feel for the game, if you don't like it, you wont like it even if you buy the full game. If you do like the demo, buy the full game!

The issues:
I do wish some were explained better as I have had to try some out to figure out how it works, or avoid others as I'm not sure how it works despite the item explanation and I'm already deep on a run and don't want to possibly derail it. There are also characters that are just blatantly downgrades rather than upgrades either due to bad abilities, or having a 1 damage pip at the end game so they're effectively there for emotional support. Also pain is only usable if you have good healing and/or revive capability.
Опубликовано 7 октября 2024 г..
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391.9 ч. всего (32.2 ч. в момент написания)
As of 5/5/24, Sony has decided to finally pull the plug on the forced PSN account linking for Helldivers. Due to that, I can now safely revert my review back to recommend. Thank god Sony finally saw reason after enough pushback. Actual review below vvv

TL;DR: GET THIS GAME. It's a ton of fun, way better with friends, good mix of challenge and fun. Feel yourself swell with Liberty and a newfound appreciation for Democracy.

Helldivers 2 is incredibly fun and while I wasn't sure how well the transition from a top down, shared screen shooter with the first game, all possible doubts have been utterly crushed. I've been playing nonstop since I got it when I've been able to and man is there just so much content. The feeling of getting better at this game is also very noticeable and satisfying. You go from intimidated from even playing difficulty 4 due to the difficulty jump and armored enemies, to clearing them with ease with the help of new stratagems, armor, better skill, and planning. Another side thing I would add is that optimization for this game isn't the best so if you don't have a beefy PC, expect to lower graphic settings, hopefully they focus more on PC optimization as they get their current content goals released.

So while this game is fun and it's own challenge to play solo, playing with others is the way to go. There's a certain type of Place of Interest in the game that you can't open to get the loot inside which clearly shows that playing in a squad of a minimum of two people or more is the intended playstyle of this game. I would recommend playing with friends or finding a group of people to play with. While there are cool randoms you can meet and my experience has been mostly enjoyable, you do get some people who can either sour your mood or ruin the experience and/or cause you to lose. Such examples are: leavers who die after a couple deaths, trolls, people who kick you right before extract so you get nothing, and toxic meta players who kick you for not using their version of "the most optimal set up". Though really the worst I've encountered are leavers so I've been lucky on that front.

All in all, I can't recommend this game highly enough. It's my new go to to play with friends right along with Deep Rock Galactic.
Опубликовано 19 февраля 2024 г.. Отредактировано 5 мая 2024 г..
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52.2 ч. всего (6.1 ч. в момент написания)
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I cannot recommend this game enough. A ton of fun to play with friends and it's just a high quality game. There's a lot of little things I could talk about that really show how the devs thought of the little things to make it immersive and scary, but that would also include spoilers and I can't stress this enough:


Don't wiki stuff to learn how certain things work, it spoils the fun of learning the game the hard and comical way. If you wanna wiki the more obscure details after playing for a while, then sure. But just like when I first went into Phasmophobia with a buddy completely blind on the game beyond it being "spooky ghost game", I had a ton of fun just learning how things work that you wont get if you learn about the game a bit first before playing.
Опубликовано 21 ноября 2023 г..
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11.1 ч. всего
Hard pass if you're gonna buy this for the multiplayer. I played the campaign and had a decent time but decided to come back to it and play the multiplayer because I had a WW2 FPS itch so I hopped in. First match I connected to, empty lobby. Alright, maybe just a dead gamemode. Second match, I kept getting lasered by enemies I could hardly see, and the chat was complaining about hackers. Finished the match and exited the game and uninstalled. Absolute shame.

If you want to buy this for the Singleplayer... meh? It's not that good, not worth the full price to me. Wait for a massive discount because you'll only be playing for the Singleplayer since Multiplayer is dead and infested with cheaters.
Опубликовано 7 ноября 2023 г..
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