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Nedávné recenze uživatele MrTektite

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368.5 hodin celkem (241.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
the player base is around 100-250 at any time. its been mostly ignored but i don't have any other ww2 game I'd choose to play with a group of friends (TO BE SPECIFIC. ONLY IN CO OP MODE. I don't like playing pvp. i don't like that in any of the insurgency games either. killing bots is fun. there just good enough to be challenging and theres ways to get around them and its always 2:1 odds or higher is you don't have a full team. its alot of fun and I'd strongly recommend getting it just for the co op mode.
Odesláno 3. srpna 2020.
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82.3 hodin celkem (77.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
great game. can feel unfair at times but you can also get overpowered really easily. its great.
Odesláno 21. července 2020.
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7.5 hodin celkem (4.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
some of the voice actors are not the originals but hey. my inner child from 2003 is screaming in glee so im happy :)
Odesláno 23. června 2020.
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285.4 hodin celkem (223.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I have fun playing rust but its one of those games were depending on the server i imagine. you have to block out a month just to play otherwise next time you come back all your stuffs gone and your house is degraded to nothing. that being said. I love playing low pop servers (high pops are full of teams of people that sweep around killing and looting... not my thing) and just making stuff and setting up trading post like stuff. hard to do really but still fun. The player base for rust is... not really all that great if you want to live for very long across a server. I only play once every few years because of it. still. i'd recomend it to friends regardless if they enjoy survival crafting games. might be smart to play with a buddy if you value not getting stomped in some servers though.
Odesláno 7. června 2020.
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37.2 hodin celkem
my original review I was going to post actually was 2800 characters to long so I'm going to make it a bit more brief >n>

Pro's good long game, fun combat, good plot, and its great for anyone with a bit of room to move with vr.

cons ammo for shotgun feels stingy and non existent, exploration compared to previous games feels a little shallow, some bits of puzzle areas confused me (I missed important bits and recieved no pointer to them audio wise) The biggest con. The chapter with horror elements. I will avoid spoilers but your in a similiar situation to the ant lion from half life 2 episode 2. only its so much worse.

Idk if it will let me link my full review but if it will. I'll post it. below is a google doc to the full review i'd originally wrote before it told me there was an actual character limit :s


all in all. If your wondering if you should get the game. I'd say do so. its a good game and it feels good to play.
Odesláno 4. dubna 2020.
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208.6 hodin celkem (143.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
games fun. just don't buy the winds of magic dlc unless you wanna buy the same game twice with a few changes. it litterally is its own seperate entity that just makes the main game harder. otherwise the base game is alot of fun. especially with friends. o3o all the other dlc is great as well.
Odesláno 18. února 2020.
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124.0 hodin celkem (115.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Still worth getting and playing in my opinion.
Odesláno 26. listopadu 2019.
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17,077.6 hodin celkem (11,068.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Its a pain in the ass. but you can do alot with it
Odesláno 15. listopadu 2019.
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131.2 hodin celkem (131.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Fun game. I personally just don't have the patience for it. But I can see the appeal and would recommend it to friends
Odesláno 30. října 2019.
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52.6 hodin celkem (9.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
TL;DR good game. worth about 40 bucks in my opinion. 7 hours of campaign ish and feels a bit like a movie.

everything below is my thoughts after playing it 2 times.

I'm bad at writing my thoughts in a good way. but ill do my best. (this review is ONLY for the single player campaign. nothing more.

This is a good game. It's engaging. It's like a interactive movie almost. If I were to compare it to previous call of duty games. (early ones. other ww2 ones they have done) I would say it sits somewere between the old ones and world at war. how ever. It is still lacking. you can tell that the campaign just was not there main focus. and its just so frustrating. I enjoyed the campaign and played through it twice. (it took me about 7 hours both times) my only real complaints about the campain are the 2 break periods they added that were ruined by poor control scheme and setup (those being the tank and flying combat)

The brief half a level of tank combat (you vs 3 tanks) got me so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HYPED and i was so frustrated as soon as i entered the little arena they made. being someone who is used to tank controls like world of tanks, or war thunders tank portions or maybe battlefield 1's tank campaign. OR more recently games like panzer elite gold (wich is the only modern esc tank centered game i could find that felt good to play other then battlefield 1 that was painfully short) and playing a game like call of duty ww2 with its brief tank portion felt so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ frustrating.

There controls have it so the direction you look will have either your back or front of your tank align automatically when you push w. now. for somone who is used to the movement/direction keys dictating my direction (wasd). this was extremely confusing and I didn't realize that was happening till my second playthrough. so id peek and try to shoot the back of a tank and sit there like a jackass spinning in place trying desperately to duck back but my takes pointing down the tank and spinning in place.

just poor choices on that front but it didn't matter. that sections so brief i doubt they really cared about such a detail.

but. that is somthing you can do with some effort. what is worse though. is the plane section. the OTHER section i was so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hyped for. cause games with tank and flying combat have been lacking in recent years in single player. saddly they set it up even worse then the tank. theres no target reticle to help you know wtf your shooting at. (theres the middle of the screen one obviously but none for leading the target. wich for those of us who are not used to ariel combat. like cause it helps us actually hit targets. but I can live without it. but the way they have the zoom in option is the most useless thing ive ever delt with. you get close to a target and it zooms and sloows time... but the enemy moves quicker then your targeting reticle can keep up. so its wasted. i had easier time downing enemies from farther away and without zooming once that portion was within activation range. it could have been so fun but it just ends up being a "♥♥♥♥ this lets just get it over with" section. that lasts maybe 20 minutes, more or less. just short.

but. those 2 gripes past. The rest of the game has mechanics I like. Some of you're allies have abilities to help you in combat as you kill enemies. One can spot enemies making them glow white for you even in smoke, one can throw you med kits to help keep you supplied, one throws ammo, one thros smokes and grenades for you, one has an artillery smoke to get rid of packed together enemies. I LOVES these as game mechanics. it makes it feel like you actually have competent allies instead of idiots you run around with and watch get nailed. or if you are like me and like keeping people alive in games. characters you end up baby sitting. they cant die as you play and are useful characters now.

overall. I think this is a stepping stone game. It has good things. It has poorly made things. but its worth maybe 40 ish as a single player game. little replayability unless you just really like ww2 shooters.

I hope they make another ww2 game and focus only on the single player rather then trying to make the multiplayer the important part... but who am i kidding? its call of duty. Hope this helps people deciding if they want the game.

Odesláno 27. září 2018.
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