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170.9 hodin celkem (57.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
was going in with mid expectations when seeing it compared to ace combat 7 and i was not dissapointed at all. its a genuinely good experience. though id notch ace combats 7's story as a tiny bit better. the callouts and conversations when in the air as your fighting and doing stuff isn't as diverse in this game.

for example. in ace combat as you do stuff. and the time ticks down. people say stuff or what ever you will. new enemies will appear. ect ect ect

in wingman. you kill all enemies on map (never saw any time limits in the corners or anything) and then new dialogue and enemy. rince and repeat till the mission ends. and this isn't a bad thing. your just clearing baddies from a sector and its really satisfying.

that all said... im still craving more. i hope more games like this get made for pc. flight combat games are rare and fun :3 honesstly probably going to replay the campaign again on a higher difficulty. its worth the time

edit 11/28/23

I've now beat the game on mercenary and I effectively beat it on mercenary with double time but theres a glitch that effects the final boss. coding is hard. XD

anyway. This games amazing. the soundtrack is a masterpiece and its honestly almost better feeling then the more recent ace combat game. the only leg up i can think of for the ace combat game is the destroy timed missions and the target identification missions which i found fun.

Ignore any messages talking about the extra missions they made more recently. even if they never came out. this game is more then worth its price. doubley so cause id pay 60-70 for it knowing what i do now. its worth every penny
Odesláno 22. ledna 2023. Naposledy upraveno 28. listopadu 2023.
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104.0 hodin celkem (22.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
loved it. but i love this style of game to begin with. i kinda wish i could play all the old ones but this is the only one on pc :c
Odesláno 10. ledna 2023.
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62.7 hodin celkem (5.2 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
its alot of fun. but shows clear signs of being in dev still. its there. all the parts it needs are there to have fun. and there solid. but I personally feel like it needs a tad bit more content. (weapons and items and effects that sort of thing)

it could just be the binding of isaac spoiling me with a dlc and over 100+ or more of items, weapons, status effects and more though. I could EASILY see this game getting just as creative and honestly. im totally ready for that day to come if they ever start releasing dlc's to add 50 new things at a time to the game once the base game is done. lots of potential and a fun little game as is to boot. hope they push the price to 8-10 bucks though once its done cause 5 bucks is way to low for somthing this good o3o


apon playing this for several more hours I realize that each time you beat it and with different characters you unlock more content and items. I like it. and im sure a few updates plan to add more. regardless at just 5 bucks i feel like im a thief for how good this is. It's got replayability down for as simple as it is.
Odesláno 24. prosince 2022. Naposledy upraveno 11. května 2023.
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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
899.6 hodin celkem (660.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
If your having issues with the latest update. go to beta tab under properties by right clicking the game in your library. you can select the previous version of the game there. now stop complaining and enjoy one of the best rpg's ever. bunch of babies >:c
Odesláno 14. prosince 2022.
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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
371.1 hodin celkem (35.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
great game. reminds me of the good old days in stalker and even one of metro's dlc's. I wish there was more games like this.
Odesláno 9. června 2022.
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Vývojář reagoval dne 10. čvn. 2022 v 1.52 (zobrazit reakci)
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0.0 hodin celkem
pro tip. download the mod that makes enemies about 50 percent stupider. and this dlc becomes alot less stressful and annoying. I thought it was perfectly fine and played it with 0 complaint HOWEVER i modded the game so i can save when ever i wanted and enemies fight like idiots. running at you and swinging about a quarter less often so i was able to attack them more easily. i still died a few times and had trouble finding crap (through my own dumbness) but over all i had a pleasant experience and learned more about characters you see walking around. and you learn alot about Theresa. she felt a little awkward to me during the start of the game before but this explains alot of stuff.

mods in question effected saving and combat. i honestly at first didn't see why this dlc got such bad reviews and then i though about the game in vanilla and realized Theresa is squishy. she cannot take hits from people and she isn't as effective as henry can be. but with a bow and butcher knife. along with a mod setup she's alot more enjoyable and a take no crap sorta gal.

I honestly recommend it this way because this story is just that. a story. it effects the main game very little from my view so far (still early on in the game mind you) but i feel the game is already punishing enough on its own to not lump more ontop of it by locking you inside a really hard dlc.

if you need somthing to search for mods. get vortex and "unlimited saving no schnapps version" and "easier enemies ptf" off nexus

also before one of you complain. the game is full of scenarios were your facing down multiple enemies who all seem to be sword masters and tanky as hell. realism can shove it i just wanna have fun with mild combat.
Odesláno 15. května 2022.
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83.8 hodin celkem (53.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
7/10 not as fun as dark souls 3.

Its ok. Its a good game but i don't enjoy the open world ness. rather have challenge rooms or some ♥♥♥♥ in a dark souls game then have open world mini dungeons and stuff. when i want help in some areas theres always an invader (which is honestly expected. the games super active right now. but it makes it hard to get through areas to bosses with friends around to explore) crafting systems a nice addition along with the spawn pools were you can throw your summon sign to all corners of the map that you've activated a pool in

I don't feel like the reward for helping people is as satisfying though. in dark souls you got a soul you could use to boost your health about 1/10th or a bit more. it was substantial enough that it felt good. now you get a thing that does the same (sort of) but it doesn't effect your online play at all and it barely gives you 1/20th of your health. its so minute its equivelent to not having anything at all. it feels nice to help people still but the other half was having souls to use if needed and thats not here. maybe im missing somthing. Its possible. this game gives ♥♥♥♥ all for direction.

If i could speak to myself before i bought this game. id tell myself to wait till its on sale some day. its not a bad experience. but this isn't a souls game to me. it doesn't give me the same satisfaction or fun. Its not a matter about progression. I've found my way around and into new areas and even though i beat those areas. im not having "fun" It feels the same way as playing some other games that i play just to pass the time. and that honestly makes me really sad cause i love the souls games. and this isn't one i put in that list. id honestly rank it under dark souls 1. (never played 2 but im sure its probably above that one. not sure.) Maybe ill like sekiro as well if i get around to playing it but honestly idk.

The co operative feel of dark souls 3 is my favorite and the fact that its servers are still down make me miserable... heres hoping they eventually bring those servers back online. idk. if your okay with open worlds id say this is worth getting but otherwise.. meh.
Odesláno 8. března 2022.
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11 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
22.4 hodin celkem (13.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
A great game. budget title I think but It's still amazing. Wish there were more games like this.
Odesláno 22. srpna 2021.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
69.4 hodin celkem (65.1 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Don't get me wrong. Its a good game. It really is. I remember enjoying the game fondly (its been a few years so take what I say as someone who hasn't actually touched it since 2016-2017 ish)

And without spoilers. I will say that the gameplay is fun. the story is interesting UNTIL the ending. this game suffers from the same problems alot of movie/book genre games do. were its built around said universe. So everything you do in this game? every single moment up until the very ending. does not matter.

you could take the intro and the outro of the game. cut the game out in the middle. and it be the same as playing it. nothing between those 2 points matter whether its there or not. They tried to fit a story and game into the mad max universe. then after giving you a bunch of stuff. took all of it away and gave you a less then satisfying ending to it all.

Some could argue its because of the universe and what its based on but I'd argue back its a video game. slap "NON CANON" on the case and send it with a good ending and make the players feel like what they did mattered. instead I spent 50+ hours in a game that took a ♥♥♥♥ on my mood in the last half hour.

Idk. I'm still jaded 4-5 years later cause this game felt great and then ruined it. If you get it. just enjoy it for what it is i suppose. its only 20 bucks now when it was 60 when i got it. so its probably worth its price. though i've seen chatter that they removed some offline things that were included. there not a deal breaker by any means though. I remember completing said things as an after thought while playing. regardless though, I'd still try to get it on sale if possible.
Odesláno 22. srpna 2021.
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4 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
113.3 hodin celkem (34.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Don't buy right now. multiplayer is being rendered unplayable.

the single player is fine but your not getting the full exp that way.
Odesláno 21. července 2021.
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