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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 361.7 hrs on record (137.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 28 Apr, 2022 @ 12:30am

Note: I haven't completed the game yet, but I have 130+ hours.
If you enjoy the souls series you'll love this game.
The pros are the obvious. The game is beautiful and the base gameplay is fun.
The cons are a little more nuanced but can be summed up as poor late game balancing. Some people may be fine with this playing a particular build. But most people tend to chug to a halt in the endgame content.
Particularly frustrating when all lategame bosses can one shot consistently with any attack- unless you reach the softcap for vigor and endurance.
Whereas you could play a game like Bloodborne and get to the endgame with maybe 18-20 vitality comfortably due to the retaliate feature- hear in Elden Ring there's no such thing as a quality build. You can have a little of everything and just have fun playing the game for PVE. You have to commit to a build. Which isn't bad. But it isn't until the late game that you're made aware of that necessity. You can respec with certain items pretty early on- however, you are forfeiting your prefered playstyle most of the time. You can have a quality mix of dex, str and casting and still have enough for vitality and endurance. Which again- totally fine, if that expectation wasn't built into the rest of the game.
Don't give up if the endgame gets frustrating beyond belief. If you need to respec for a certain Ginger Giant who shall not be named- then do that, you should have the respec items necessary to switch back to your preferred build after if you need to.
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