Mister Fister
Uy2NzwPg   United States
rcon_password <password>
rcon changelevel <mapname>
rcon maps * // will show you all maps installed on the server
rcon sv_alltalk 0/1
rcon mp_scrambleteams
rcon mp_restartgame X // restarts game in X seconds.
rcon mp_tournament 1
rcon tf_weapon_criticals 1/0
rcon kick <name>
rcon sv_password <password> // changes server password
# rcon mp_timelimit X // sets the timelimit of the current map to X. If a round ends with <=5 minutes to go the map ends. (unless maxrounds or winlimit is reached first)
# rcon mp_winlimit X // a team must win X rounds to end the map. (unless timelimit or maxrounds is reached first)
# rcon mp_maxrounds X // map ends when X rounds have been reached (unless winlimit or timelimit is reached first)

tv_enable 1 // enable source tv
tv_record demoname // record source tv demo
tv_stoprecord // stop recording source tv demo

rcon exec <config name> // see below for various configs

* rcon users // shows list of users including userid
* rcon kick "X" // kicks by player name. Bit hard to do if the player has a wankername
* rcon kickid userid/uniqueid "message" // kicks player; userid = first 2/3 digits in 'rcon users', uniqueid = steam id
* rcon banid minutes userid/uniqueid [kick] // bans the player for minutes. see kickid for id details. kick is an optional param, if used it will also kick the player. Use 0 minutes for permanent
* rcon unbanid X // unbans the id
* rcon addip minutes X // bans IP address for minutes specified. Use 0 minutes for permanent
* rcon removeip X // removes IP ban

Currently Online
Favorite Game
SEND FEET PICS 7 Sep, 2011 @ 4:19pm 
Dang you have a lot of crap in your inventory, keys, and metal
SEND FEET PICS 7 Sep, 2011 @ 4:15pm 
Fair Trader, Defietly
Zedseayou 5 Sep, 2011 @ 5:16am 
Great trader, recommended
Red Chapel 27 Aug, 2011 @ 6:47pm 
Legit guy, would trade again!
Dokem 18 Aug, 2011 @ 11:50am 
Fair trader. Recommended! :D
waar 10 Jun, 2009 @ 12:31pm 
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