Face   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
ManyFaces plays with multiple personalities depending on his mood:

"Face", his default personality, wears a Jason mask. His gaming style is overly aggressive.

"King" is a team player & expert medic, he enjoys assisting the random gaming public he comes across.

"Data" offers strategy & support & enjoys RTS games like StarCraft. He's also the groups producer.

"Pogo" is an all round lunatic, everyone around him isn't safe.
Currently Online
Face 11 Feb, 2018 @ 3:02pm 
VaL: She's not here. Maybe later.
Diaz: >
Diaz: ?
VaL: I'm her boyfriend. She is taking a shower. Can't play now.
Diaz: what?
VaL: ...
VaL: She.is.NOT.here.
Diaz: i just abit random is all, ive just logged on and get this random msg saying shes not here :P
VaL: Wait. Didn't you just invite?
Diaz: no
Diaz: ive just logged on 10 seconds ago
VaL: ♥♥♥♥. Wrong chat. My mistake.
Diaz: no problemo buddy :P
VaL: Went full ♥♥♥♥♥♥ for a second. Have a good game. See ya.
Diaz: haha "full ♥♥♥♥♥♥" love it, laters dude :P
mori me please 31 Dec, 2017 @ 4:20pm 
Happy new year!
Face 16 Jul, 2017 @ 9:27am 
Kick players without name (in command prompt)
1. status (find player's ID)
2. votecall kick ID.
Mute @ssholes
1. voice_show_mute (find ID)
2. voice_mute ID (voice_unmute to unmute)