Malnux the Restless
idk   California, United States
What is your contingency?
Stuff that you should know
Collection of Achievements

Some of these I have screenshots of proof, some I don't, this is more so a memoir of achievements I'm proud of, so feel free to call fake, as you will be promptly ignored.

Dawn of war 2 : Campaign one hero only (hardest difficulty)

Dawn of war 2 : Last stand wave 20 solo (sorcerer)

C&C 3 (also Kanes Wrath) : Infantry only (excluding no build missions)

Red Alert 3 : Commander's Challenge under par time

Space Marine : Campaign no deaths (hard)

DMC 5 : Vergil no hit (son of sparda difficulty)

Destiny 2 : Warlord's ruin solo flawless

Armored Core VI : All major bosses fist only (pre-nerf)

Fairy Fencer F : beat a boss that you are supposed to only be able to beat in NG+

Sythetik : Beat the final boss 160% difficulty with lvl 1 heavy gunner

Gundam Reborn : Final fight with a very underleveled gundam/pilot

Skul : Defeated final boss first try with a new "class" for the update

Best Sequels To Exist If Made Correctly(with slight opinions)

-Prototype 3 : Remake of the story with alex mercer as main character again.
-Command & Conquer Tiberium 5: Retcon 4, graphics can be the same as 3 for all I care, just new story and more modabillity for maps and the like.
-Dawn of war 4 : Retcon the third game, preferably gameplay of DoW 1, Coop would be appreciated.
-Metal gear rising reveangence 2 (just bring back the slashy boy)
-Supreme Commander 3(continuation of the second games story but bringing back the seraphim and naval units with the graphics and large scale battles of the first game)
-Castlevania Lords of shadow 3 A continuation of the second games story while increasing the range of enemies and your ways of obliterating them, also no stealth.
-Monster Hunter World 2 : Add some new gameplay mechanics, bring back old classic monsters, and thats it, they could reuse entire monster models and entire areas i just want some new stuff to play around with.

The Great book of Kane

"He who controls the past, commands the future. He who commands the future, conquers the past."


"This morning was the most glorious morning in the history of the earth. Peace is upon us. A gift to every man, woman and child from the Brotherhood of Nod. Victory, not just for our people, but for our species. The time for questioning is over. Rising from our trenches, our bunkers, our factories, we must all now partake in the technology of peace. One purpose, one vision! Tiberium is the way and the life. Today the sun rises on the new world and a new people. The end is the beginning!"

"The destruction of Philadelphia was not an accident. It was a merciful bullet to the head of a malignant ideology. It was the death of fear and the birth of hope! Rejoice, children of Nod! The blood of your oppressors will flow and the 50 years of tyranny will finally end! Transformation is coming, a new day will dawn! The future, is ours."

Me and the boys
Malnux the Restless 2 ก.พ. @ 3: 33pm 
lol, lmao even, truly words spoken by a loser with a VAC ban
Holy Guacamole 2 ก.พ. @ 3: 30pm 
And your profile is cringe af
Holy Guacamole 2 ก.พ. @ 3: 29pm 
This guy is a real scene kid
NomadKingR6 28 มิ.ย. 2024 @ 12: 42pm 
Funny guy would hang out with again
Dikinbaus Hot Dogs 20 เม.ย. 2024 @ 11: 37pm 
ok you got me there goodnight
Malnux the Restless 20 เม.ย. 2024 @ 7: 50pm 
clearly you have never played C&C3, and thus you have no taste, as such, any opinion will be rightfully ignored, loser.