
Morshu The Shopkeeper 最近的評論

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目前顯示第 51-60 項,共 65 項
總時數 64.3 小時 (評論時已進行 30.2 小時)
A fun, affordable action Roguelike. You get to shoot things as different animal characters, while wielding wacky guns. A less 18 borderlands made into a small indie game. Love the guns, enemy design, bosses and characters. Good replayability on harder difficulties as new enemies, bosses, guns and perks spawn only on those harder ones, but in order to unlock each of them, you need to beat the game in the difficulty above it, to get to Elite difficulty you gotta beat the game on Normal, and so on for the other difficulties. Unlocking & Playing every character allows you to get used to how all of the mechanics of the game feel, which guns & talents to get on each run, what perks to avoid. The talent system is taken straight out of Hades, but instead of Gods giving you favors, it's you drinking a goblet of power, which gains you a new perk ability which you can choose 1 out of 3, which a chosen at random, some have scaling if you take them multiple times, other have to be taken only once to gain their unique effect. Each time you die, you gain essence which help you get talents which apply to all of your characters, and at small increments (Level 20,40,60,80) gain the ability to unlock a tier of hero specific talents for each character (Dog character gets to heal while using his skill and do more dmg, Cat gets to regen shields quicker and throw bigger grenades, etc.)
A solid 9/10

Would shoot dragons as a dogo dual-wielding a rocket launcher & a minigun at the same time.
張貼於 2021 年 10 月 17 日。 最後編輯於 2021 年 10 月 17 日。
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總時數 1.5 小時
Speed junkie Doom on LSD.

Your lifebar is your IDOL/Health and it drains very quickly, refill it by killing enemies, taking damage depletes it. Finishing a level refills your IDOL/Health gives you 1 ouf of 3 upgrades which can stack later on. Each couple of levels a new enemy is added as well as more confusing room layouts. The weapons consist of a basic pistol, knife, double barrel shotgun & Uzi.
The game can take minutes to complete depending on your skill level.

The goal is to always get to the end of the level as fast as possible to refill that IDOL.

Game is very, very cheap and very, very fun.

Would recommend if you don't have a problem with games which can be considered "visual diarrhea" and love quick & fast games. Also the lighting is something you have to get used to. Not for everyone, but definitely a yes from me!
張貼於 2021 年 10 月 13 日。
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總時數 6.5 小時 (評論時已進行 3.1 小時)
Cyberpunk Doom is the shortest, best way to put it. You kill machines instead of Demons, you get weapons & upgrades are u kill enemies or get secret stashes. The game has a 2 ammo type system which makes you think how to use each set of weapons, and the best part. You choose what to put your upgrades into! Want to get a shotgun as your first upgrade or a shock gun for AOE, or more Ammo, or Slow motion. After you get a couple of upgrades you will access to Explosives and more Personal upgrades, all of which have a use, if most of them are kind of passive.

Story is alright, could swear that Steve Blum voices the main character. Would not be surprised if that's true. To keep it short and spoiler free. U R generic dude who drinks & work for a big Corporation. You find something big about the machines, you do something generic and go kill more machines big & small.

Environments are really beautiful and capture a dystopian, machine filled world. With good rain effects, cool attention to detail on cards and buildings.

Who make this cool game? Flying Wild Hog, the guys who did the Shadow Warrior reboot, it's sequel Shadow Warrior 2 and the new upcoming Shadow Warrior 3. They also made this game, which is super underrated!

8/10 Would shoot machines again for a couple of hours.
張貼於 2021 年 9 月 20 日。 最後編輯於 2021 年 9 月 20 日。
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總時數 5.3 小時
Got this very cheap of a sale. Got 5 intense hours of hack'n slash goodness. Very responsive controls, simple and smooth combat, with an amazing soundtrack to boot. If you are an adrenaline junky who loves games that test you reflexes or you just want to hurt some people. This game is one for your, regardless if it's on sale or not!
張貼於 2021 年 7 月 26 日。
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5 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
總時數 37.8 小時 (評論時已進行 15.0 小時)
A wild west action, cover based Roguelike game is the best way to summerise this game. With Ron Pearlman voicing the main character. Having the looks of a wild west Ghost rider. What's not to like? Well...

The good: First The game has a very unique art style which makes it easier to run on older machines. Second just like Dead cells and other Roguelikes, you can unlock whatever you want when you grind a couple of runs. Third, spamming dodge does not work you need to time the dodge right before the bullet/attack hits you the get max Invulnerabilty (Bad english i know) frames. This way the game will slow down and you can get a moment to take a breath and get the shot you need to kill your enemies. Fourth, the way line of sight works is interesting, if enemies are covered in darkness there are harder to hit and your character can miss, despite how sharp your aim is, but if they are covered in light, even if your aim is not that good the game gives you a little aim assist on those enemies and lands most shots. You'd think this makes the game too easy but once you get to the later levels like the Church, Canyon and so on. Lanterns become more rare and you have to hit them before lighting them up to see your enemies. Alternatively there are shortcuts to help you skip the game, but be aware. Skipping levels can hinder you, as you only get 1 random weapon for using them and forfeit a couple of permanent upgrades on your run. Which could hinder you considering 1 of the upgrades is straight up gun damage, while the other one is Health and melee damage. The story is layed out through bits of memory you collect when slaying enemies or helping NPC's. Thank god they reduced the punishement for helping NPC's to taking more damage, it used to be death in 1 hit... YUP....

The bad: Sticky cover can ♥♥♥♥ your momentum sometimes, I've had a couple of bug in the past but it seems that developers might have squashed most of them. The camera can work against you sometimes, focusing on you instead of where you are aiming, preventing you from locating your enemies sometimes, forcing you to go closer.

The ugly: The way the controls work for PC compared to consoles. Having to use "C" to skip cut scenes or dialogue makes it very clunky. This is definitely better on console compared to PC if you are talking about controls responsiveness.

Overall score: A very solid 7/10
A breath of fresh air from Rogue like games, not the best, but not the worst! Worth a try on its own or when on sale!
張貼於 2021 年 3 月 6 日。
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2 個人認為這篇評論很有趣
總時數 26.7 小時 (評論時已進行 18.9 小時)
After 100% this game, I can tell you it's worth it.

An amazing metroid-vania platformer with cool ninja action & a decent amount of meta humor/dialogue.
The game eases you into it's mechanics flawlessly and if you ever feel stuck, the shopkeeper gives you good advice on how to proceed, if you get stuck. It's really worth every penny, but you can always get it on discount. The DLC Picnic Panic extends the playtime by a few hours and is free if you have the base game. It provides even more enemies, bosses and collectibles ending in a very cool end-boss, which is a throw back to older games.

If you are looking for a decent challenge in a action-platformer, this one should be the one you take. Unless you hate meta-humor and ninja games, then you might want to skip. Otherwise it's a very cool game which you can beat in a day or two and you can play more to earn all of the collectibles.
張貼於 2021 年 1 月 21 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 1 月 16 日。
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總時數 25.6 小時
Rip and Tear, 10/10, Doom Eternal is next <3
張貼於 2020 年 3 月 28 日。
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總時數 20.7 小時 (評論時已進行 9.7 小時)
This is an Old school, build-engine shooter game, made by devs who care about those kinds of games! Expect to get your ass kicked, to needs to learn the tempo and mechanics of the guns & magic and how to best manage ammo and mana.

If you DO NOT like shooter like the old Doom 64, Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Wolfenstein, Quake. Then this game is not for you.

If you are still considering it here are the pros and cons:

1: You can't jump: A real problem as most shooter games give you some sort of jump tool, not here, get used to your SPACE BAR being your USE BUTTON.

2: Swapping Magic: You need to HOLD space + Your scroll to swap your spells, again very hard and clucky but good once you get used to it.

3: Collision: If you've played a build engine game you'd know how shooting and projectiles can sometimes rob you of a hit or satisfying grenade toss, this is frequent with the explosive weapons, so you need to get used to some of them hitting an invisible wall in font of you.

4: Orientation: This is a person one, as the game uses the usual Red, Blue, Yellow key system and switches with unlock something, but don't mark on your map where or give you any indication of what or where something happened, you need to search for it and figure it out yourself. Again this is a person one and might not affect you as much as me, but i had multiple maps per episode wondering where to go after deciding to secret hunt for a few minutes. Thankfully it only happened a handful of times and the other 90% of the time the game was amazing.

1: Shooting, Magic & Upgrades: As per any build engine game the shooting feels rewarding and satisfying to land each and every shot, unless an explosive hits your face by accident of course. The weapons have great animation and upgrades, some of them give you more range, utility like penetrating shots for the crossbow, but other like the QUAD SUPER SHOTGUN upgrade, literally help you delete enemies form very early on, at the cost of 4 bullets a shot of course. Or you could use a spell that freezes enemies, or maybe shield you? You have to make the choice between spells or gun upgrades, as they use the same currency as i think you can't take all spells and upgrades from what i gather since later weapons cost a lot more to upgrade.

2 Music: This one can be a turn on or turn off for some people, as this kind of music is not for everyone. Chip tunes fit build engine games and this soundtrack is no different, similar to DOOM & other games the soundtrack changes depending on the environment which leads to tunes changing frequently, leaving you with a sense of tension at time and/or adrenaline.

3 Enemies & Bosses: The enemies in each episode prove an interesting challenge and have similar AI but some of the tougher enemies in later levels use more deadly weapons or just gain additional health bars (yes no one likes a bullet sponge, but it's not too long for one of them to die so it's fine). We can easily split them into trash mobs that die in 1-2 hits (Giant bats, Mummies, Security Drones, Zombies, Arctic Spider, Black goo), Medium meaty targets with ranged attacks (Eldritch, Thingies, Crocmen, Anubis & others), Runners like the Yeti & Hellhounds, Spawners like Abominations, Soul Eaters who spawn enemies and make your supplies dry out of you don't deal with them and big chunky boys with multiple health bars like Hell Knights, Cybermon, X-Terminator, Mech Spider, Mechabot, Tough Mummy, Hangman, Inquisitor & others. Their animations are very unique and the only time enemies are rehashed/used from past levels is in the final episode (SPOILER, kind of?). The bosses with the exception of the 4-th level one are very interesting and have huge healthbars that force you to use your movement or take tons of damage all while spawning enemies while making themselves harder to hit. Again with the exception of Episode 4 final boss all of them are very satisfying and provide an interesting challenge.

4 Level Design & Progression: Another strong point for build engine games, each episode has unique environments, a new boss, new kinds of surprises, new spells & weapons and secrets. Old-school games hide a lot of secrets in hidden areas, every map on every level with the exception of the Boss levels have secrets in them, which can be stuff from the likes of More Health, ammo, mana to a secret weapon unlocked early on in the level or an Easter egg to other popular build engine characters. I won't spoil the references but if you are a big fan of Build Engine classics like Doom & Quake and others you will feel right at home with these secrets and easter eggs. Most of the puzzles in levels are again 3 colored keys and switches that unlock something that you need to explore, picking up or using switches spawns enemies and keeps the level moving and changing, forcing you to adapt and use your brain to these tasks, which are simple, but require careful attention to detail, especially the secrets!

IS IT WORTH IT? Honestly i bought it on a 20-40% discount at some point cuz i did not want to waste money, but after playing it i'm sad that the game costs so little with how much love has been put into it. Everything about this game screams love & passion of old shooters. And around a 7-10 hour experience with replayability on higher difficulties & secret hunting. You have lives tho, so if you die a lot you will have to eventually start a NEW CAMPAIGN from the start, but if you go secret hunting you will get more and more lives, around middle to end of the game i had around 10-20 lives, on normal, Nightmare tho, says 1 love or start over, so... all of that, for 10 Pounds or a few extra in euro? I want to give these devs more money, honestly. 15 or 20 at least is the worthy asking price, 10 is begging you to buy it. Do yourself a favor and purge the evil from the world AND HELL with your sorcery & guns. It's an almost perfect shooter. But it's not for the casuals.

GmanLives review video -->
If you don't trust me then watch his review and decide for yourself!
Personally i love it and bought it for my roommate who ordered takeaway, now we are even and he's loving it as much as me, we only wish we could slay together.
張貼於 2020 年 3 月 28 日。
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總時數 128.2 小時 (評論時已進行 18.5 小時)
Updated review!

The game has been updated multiple times by the developers and has a lot more content with more to come in the next few months. Considering the price and the amount of time you can spend on this game, plus the fact that you can play up to 4 player co-op. I would recommend it if you are a fan of Rogue Likes. Considering most AAA games today try to scam you for more money, this game sets the price and does not change it, and yet they keep adding content. It is definitely worth having in your library and playing it!

Edit: I've played a couple of extra hours to unlock almost everything in the game, item, character and achievement. And the devs said that they are consider paid DLC with extra content. The game now has an ending for each character, a final boss, a few more balance changes and more content possibly comming in 2021.

My point still stands, if you like Rogue Likes and have friends, get it for them and yourself and play even for a couple of hours. It's worth the price! And a must buy if discounted!
張貼於 2019 年 4 月 19 日。 最後編輯於 2020 年 11 月 25 日。
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總時數 9.9 小時
First impressions: This is a detective game.
Later impressions: A story game about a detective and his past set in a Blade Runner/ Cyberpunk world. It looks amazing and breathtaking. The actual gameplay is limited but it makes up for it with a very interesting story that is worth exploring. My only small issue were the puzzles (which personally i am not good at), but they were in fact simple and interesting. I had minor issues with the "monster" in the later sections but it's not too difficult and it does not break the immersion or the story in any way.

Do i recommend it? Yes, it's worth it, just like other games like Va-11 HA-11A and other games it tells a story in a dystopia but unlike other indie games it looks amazing and the visual play a key element in the story telling and the mystique.

Full price buy? I would make the argument that it's short but i honestly think it's worth the full price! You can play it multiple times to get the other ending and possibly finish all of the cases if you focus on the main one and have no way of backtracking to the main building. It's a solid 9/10 in my honest opinion, tho some people would like more freedom in this kind of world, remember that it's not a triple A game! Cut the developers some slack, the visual are amazing and the world and it's story are fantastic!

It even ran on my toaster laptop on low graphics with 0 FPS drops or issues! Any cyberpunk fan should at least give this game a shot!
張貼於 2019 年 3 月 24 日。
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目前顯示第 51-60 項,共 65 項