
Käyttäjän =(eGO)=™ MIB2 viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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Näytetään 11–17 / 17
22 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 2.2 tuntia (1.8 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
A stellar puzzle-solving game. The puzzles themselves are logical and just challenging enough. The game's aesthetics are quite pleasing as well. Unlike other games of this genre, this one actually has a pretty good story.

It speaks volumes that I've decided to recommend it, especially given it's short span (1-2 hours).
Julkaistu 2. marraskuuta 2014
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
6 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 2.6 tuntia
A solid game. Good story, nice message, beautiful art style.

I was bored out of my mind.
Julkaistu 1. syyskuuta 2014
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
65 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.2 tuntia
I was hoping for something with actual gameplay, but this is nothing more than Spacebar: The Game. Music is ok, I guess.

Julkaistu 18. heinäkuuta 2014 Viimeksi muokattu 18. heinäkuuta 2014.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
174 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 13.6 tuntia (13.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
FEZ was overhyped.

There is no denying that. When I first started playing it, I was let down. The world-turning mechanics were boring, the platforming unresponsive, at least to my tastes, the art style didn't suit me. I wondered, what was it that people loved so much about FEZ. I hated the game so much that I dropped it almost immediately.

Fast-forward to yesterday, to the day that everything changed. I forced myself to play just a bit more in order to at least beat it. I thought I was returning to the land of tedium, and yet this wasn't the case. Maybe it was the anti-hype quarantine period that helped. I discovered that this game was not what it seems. Instead of platforming, I found increasingly challenging puzzles. It was filled with cryptic messages, lingustic riddles, hidden ciphres. It was fascinating.

This game does nothing to help you discover it's true beauty. It's radiance comes from the fact that it holds you to extremely high standards. What other game forces you to decrypt a language using a Rosetta stone like device? Pen and paper are a must here.

Think of a brutally hard, unforgiving game. Be it Super Hexagon, Dark Souls, Super Meat Boy, I'm sure you remember the extreme sense of accomplishment that surged through you when you conquered it's many challenges. FEZ is like that, only instead of your reflexes, it challenges your mind. Do yourself a favor and play it. Do yourself another favor, and never use guides. You will love it. I promise.
Julkaistu 1. heinäkuuta 2014
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
42 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 12.8 tuntia (10.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Probably best money I've spent in the past few months. Very fun and with good, fluid combat. Tons of unlockables. Reminded me of Altitude a bit.
Julkaistu 22. maaliskuuta 2014
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
43 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 77.0 tuntia (75.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This is a hard game to recommend. Truth be told, it has a fair share of drawbacks. Even with that in mind, this game possesses amazing naration, a deep, innovative combat/RPG system and a powerful story. It touches some very dark themes, and does so with finesse. The psychological allusions fused with the norse mythology work together to build an unforgetable and deeply affecting experience. My advice - play the demo, and if you are not turned off, go for it.
Julkaistu 10. helmikuuta 2014
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
14 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 2.1 tuntia (1.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
I wasn't sure about this game, but now I'm absolutely in love. It's almost pure gameplay, and at that the game excels. It's a lot of fun and has surprising variety thanks to a system of unlocks. It's also just challenging enough, which gives it nigh-infinite replayability. Definitely one of the hidden gems.
Julkaistu 29. tammikuuta 2014 Viimeksi muokattu 29. tammikuuta 2014.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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Näytetään 11–17 / 17