[FT] Plasma M3z
M3z   United States
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Project War Dynamics
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[FT] nasson 12 Feb @ 12:26pm 
owo nuzzles your controller Hewwo? Is dis... is dis GTA Online? 👉👈 I wanned to... to show u my new Oppressor Mk II... it's... it's pwetty fast... >w< I... I like to fly awound and... and maybe... blushes ...maybe do some heists wif u? ÚwÙ But... but be careful! There are... shivers ...griefers... they might... hides face ...explode your cargo... 🥺 I... I just wanna drive my cute little Issi Sport and... and maybe... whispers ...roleplay as a... a pwetty kitty cat burglar? 🥺👉👈 If... if u see me... pwease don't shoot me... unless... unless u wanna pway tag? >w< Hehe... giggles I hope we can be fwiends... and... and maybe... blushes deeply ...rule Los Santos together? 🥺💖✨
Shaqueefa Biggins 3 Jan, 2023 @ 1:54pm 
Shaqueefa Biggins 24 Dec, 2022 @ 11:20pm 
Christmas? Heh. Let me tell you a little story about " Christmas". *lights cigarette* Come sit down, i got a little "gift" for ya right here...
Shaqueefa Biggins 16 Nov, 2022 @ 1:59pm 
oscar gonzalez
2 years ago

Me: walk to a trashcan

Game: You feel that the world is ending and demons appears out of the trashcan, also that dog that was looking at you turn in to six legged demon and out of the sudden the physic of gravity fail, you gain the ability to fly.
www.nfl.com 25 Apr, 2022 @ 1:08am 
Shaqueefa Biggins 7 Apr, 2022 @ 10:45pm 
Interested in interviewing the Creator of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk? I'm starting a list of underground YT's who love The Jet Set/Grind Radio Franchise and I'm presenting the list of everyone interested in having their questions answered to team reptile hoping to create an "Underground" buzz.
Free marketing and words of mouth like back in the day!