1 person found this review helpful
8.0 hrs last two weeks / 615.7 hrs on record (551.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 9 Nov, 2024 @ 10:22am
Updated: 9 Nov, 2024 @ 10:24am

Fun free to play daily quest grind card game. Gameplay is nice and simple, with good variety between decks. Just ignore the ludicrously priced bundles in the shop, they are not worth your money.
Matches are only like 5 minutes long which is a huuuge boon, and coupled with the snapping and retreating (you should be retreating in unfavorable games, you will literally lose less points, that is the point of this system) they feel more like poker hands than daunting time commitment compared to something like MTG. That gives it a different pace and also makes unexpected/♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loses feel much less consequential, which is nice.

Balance patches are frequent (every 1~2 weeks) and a new card releases every week (this might seems like a lot but a single MTG set is ~300 cards), so you get nice meta shifts over time.

I have reached the point where I can cruise along and be up to date enough on my card collection, and the progression changed since I first played so I can't comment on new player card aquisition. You won't get all the cards you want immediately so go find something that looks fun with the cards you have instead of looking up meta decks and being sad you're missing half of the cards inside (besides a lot of powerful cards are not essential to those decks and can be substitued).

Just know, DO NOT open spotlight caches with less than 4 keys. Otherwise you will fail to get that one card you wanted this week and will feel really bad. Several websites will have the schedule for future caches if you wanna plan a bit ahead what you'll spend those precious keys on.
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