Lasse Poulsen   Denmark
STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:33364351

Former teams:

2013 - diberaz (zl1ke, juker, flown, tabow)
2012-13 - OPAWE! (zl1ke, LiQuiD, chL, ZeroX) -> best social team ever!

CS: Source
2012 - eSpuma (zetza, hipp, decinnn, zl1ke)
2012 - (xazem, zl1ke, Highfield, PIEL)
2012 - HIPPOS(zl1ke, ApN, xazem, PIEL)
2011 - Specific-eSport/FRAGSEASON (zl1ke, ju1dix, xazem & Highfield)
2010 - Speedpulse (zl1ke, swifty, west, Zipo)
2009/2010 - (zl1ke, mhz, tiga, Viggo)


Mouse: ZOWiE EC1
Mousepad: Zowie GT-F Speed version
Headset: Sennheiser PC350
Keyboard: Razer Lycosa
Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster S23A700D


Online Liga(s) & Cups

2011 - ESL B Series 7 Place (Lupiz, zl1ke, ju1dix, xazem, Highfield)
2010 - Slap Online #19 - 2nd. Place in 3 division (Lupiz, zl1ke, mhz, t1ga, Viggo)


Specific E-Sport Academy Bootcamp #1 (Lupiz, zl1ke, ju1dix, xazem)
Specific E-Sport Academy Bootcamp #2 (Lupiz, zl1ke, ju1dix, xazem, Highfield)

HKLAN#5 2012
Place: 16-26 in A
Prize: None
Team: zl1ke, juidix, xazem, sh0tz
Blog: Ended as number 2 in our group and should play in A brackets. We started out with meeting Gamehoppers, we lost that game, but we playing surprising good. Then we should play in lowerbracket in A, we won the first game and then we should meet PrivatHost. First round against PH, we won. Very good round, but we lost all other rounds, very bad, we could have gotten some more rounds. So finally, at the hole lan event, we ended up at 16-26 place.

TheBlast #4 2012
Place: Won C-tournament
Team: zl1ke, DeciNNN, zetza, hipp
Blog: We started out in the groupplay, were we should meet Yourname?, Nextstage, Rabbits-esport eSpuma.G & protac. We ended as number 4, and came to the C tournament. We was disappointed because we knew we could play better and get in the B tournament. But we need to go alle the way, to show that we was better than a C tournament. So we won it easy, we had only problems in 1 match. Profile []
Currently Offline
1 game ban on record | Info
3815 day(s) since last ban
carryy👻 2 Feb, 2013 @ 1:35am 
tabow 7 Sep, 2012 @ 6:14am 
HoejGaard 27 Jan, 2012 @ 11:42am 
Du ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ grim, sorry jeg siger det...
Lasse 21 Jul, 2011 @ 12:48pm 
so sweet you are <3
juidix 21 Jul, 2011 @ 10:39am 
Good looking gamer <33