Pure Dream Seeker
Beyond the superficial; Take a step towards CHINA
Since the attitude of outsiders is not important, what is truly important in our lives? It is us, ourselves. It is our truest feelings. Ask yourself, listen to the voice in the depths of your heart. What do you want to do, what kind of person you want to become, where do you want to go?

Don’t mistreat your own feelings because of their attitude. If you mistreat yourself frequently, then you will end up with regrets, you will constantly wear a mask to act as another person, you will no longer be yourself.
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93 RATED INFANTRY 2 Mar @ 9:30pm 
BARBARIAN KING 28 Jan @ 8:39am 
Tom54p 3 Jan @ 10:21am 
In 1672, known as the "Disaster Year" in Dutch history, the Dutch were so furious with their political leaders over the French invasion that an enraged mob lynched Johan de Witt, the Grand Pensionary, and his brother Cornelis. To top it off, they reportedly ate parts of their bodies. Yes, political cannibalism, while the rest of Europe probably watched in sheer horror.
Pure Dream Seeker 2 Jan @ 2:03pm 
[HC] [KZDÛΜ] Bron 2 Jan @ 12:38am 
If I had to describe him and his powers in my own words, it would be something like this:

- Hyper Experience

- Tactical Genius and Leadership Skills

- Indomitable Will (he iss not giving up… ever)

- Martial Arts expertise combined with Intimidation and Acrobatics (chambering blows, kicking and giving head, and teabagging mid air like a sweaty pvp god)

- Flying, Invisibility, and Enhanced Audition (basically, nothing escapes him)

- Healing, Healing Negation, and Primeval Stone Creation (hes either saving you or dooming you, no middle ground)

- Gender Manipulation (i leave that without a comment)

- Telepathy and Damage Empowerment (getting stronger from pain—unstoppable)

- Animal Imitation and Solidification (part animal whisperer, part femboy whisperer, and 100% chaos)

Basically, he is an unstoppable, multi-dimensional powerhouse with abilities that could dominate entire worlds.