Kittymir Cuten
(My Twitch Gaming Channel)
(My Bethesda Game Mods)
(My Dwemer themed experimental hardcore survival Morrowind overhaul, the most complex mod I ever created).

(Includes soulgem powered hoverbike with animations & stunt ramps, deadra heart empowered, daedric claw weapons, machine crossbow, craftable semi permanent elemental salt super atronachs, craftable dwemer automatons that sense when your weapon is equipped you can cloak or push around with you, steel/iron harvesting door locking survival mechanic, craftable dwemer walls, ectoplasm cloaking device that lets you ghost through doors/ghost through deadly tornado debrisplus ghost thru your own crafted walls/dwemer implants, dwemer spaceship house, Skyrulianfield style survival mechanic, deadly tornadoes, giant deep sea monsters, and nocturnal zombie stalkers/psychic alien stalkers who can telepathically sense you if you don't have the dwemer cyborg mask worn... Door locking protects you in interiors esp while sleeping from robbers, bounty hunters, night zombies, and alien stalkers, you can hide inside most containers at max sneak, blighted animals are gigantic and vastly more powerful, super powered animals with severe elemental weaknesses roam the world, giant atronachs spawn in their elemental zones, all weapons have a slight attack delay but hit harder, beverages restore magicka slightly).

(My most 3 complex Skyrim mods below)
Morrowind Style Bloodline Vampirism
Soulgem Powered Super Horses
Skyrulianfield Zelda Style Undead Nightime Stalkers

(My Youtube Channel)
(My Discord) KittymirCuten

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2,744 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
110 hrs on record
last played on 2 Mar
6.4 hrs on record
last played on 1 Mar