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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 85.4 hrs on record (23.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 14 Jul, 2024 @ 9:12pm

If you find this review in the stream of hot, steaming, dumpster-fire takes, just know the game itself is actually pretty fun. It plays like a cross between Remnant, Rust, and Fallout76. The servers are kinda scuffed, much like any new game that comes out, but they're getting better every day. Certain things could be better explained, such as fishing, elemental weapon stats, and permanent progression vs server progression. Fun game, can experience almost all of it completely free, and doesn't shove pay mechanics in your face.

Now, onto the "controversy"...

"If you give us your information, we have your information!" Shock! Awe! Horror!

Don't listen to twitter. Don't join another brain-rot echo-chamber. Just read the documents yourself. It's an industry standard ToS and Privacy Policy. The only information they collect is stuff that you either give them yourself, or are required to give them based on your country's applicable laws.

Good luck, Meta. We'll cleanse the stardust yet.
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