Kid Meatball
Pete   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Meatball: a delicious cloud of meat afloat in a sea of sauce.

Kid Meatball: a puffy cloud of violence adrift on an ocean of blood.

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Another update: New DLC still comes out once a week. This thing has seen epic follow through from its developers.

Remastered update:

[fanboy mode]So, massive shoutout to the Rocksmith team at Ubisoft SF. No one was expecting an update like this, much less a free one. IMO, they should have charged for it. So many complaints from long time and first time users are corrected in this update. From something as simple as skipping the tuner, to a total redo of the Non-Stop Play mode. Now more than ever this is a "game" worth getting.[/fanboy]

Awesome, uh, game? I'm not so sure this should be considered a game. To me, a reasonably experienced guitar player, this is a tool to direct practice. Anyone new to guitar will find it great, and those who've been struggling to find not just the time, but quality practice will find it endlessly useful. In short, this "game" will teach you how to warm up, practice, and shred.

Currently, there are some issues with the 60-day challenge tracking progress for many users, and Ubisoft is apparently on vacation for like six months. Who does that? But don't let that hold you back, this is a great piece of software.

One of the problems of the self taught guitarist is finding things to practice. Finding new scales, new chords, new progressions, jam tracks, and keeping them interesting. Well, this has all of it, and it is a ton of fun! So easy to use.

The mini games have a cool 8-bit charm, and you interact by using techniques like bends, harmonics, and chords. They're fun ways to teach you all the technical parts of the games.

There are tons of lessons with practice tracks. It has really too many features to cover. A huge amp sim, automatic jam tracks, tips for what to practice to ace a particular song. There is nothing you could ask for that isn't included.

It plays a bit like Rockband, but with your actual guitar. Maybe a bit like Guitar Hero but looks more like Rockband, for those familiar with both. The coolest feature of the game is that it scales the difficulty as you get better, and it features a Riff Repeater that gradually lets you learn a song chorus by chorus and verse by verse. Tough solo? The software will ease you into it, gradually speeding up and adding more notes until you ace it.

The song selections are fairly limited and DLC is $3 a song which could easily turn an initial $200 investment into $400, depending on your musical taste. I would like to see a broader variety of styles of music. Its heavy on the rock, nothing wrong with that, but they could have landed some (more) country, surf, even classical arrangements for guitar, like Fur Elise, or flamenco. Want a challenge, learn some ♥♥♥♥ Dale..
Cursed Hawkins 8 May, 2017 @ 12:04pm 
Hey meat what's the guild you're in? I want to make sure I'm looking at the right one here!
kc5gyo.10 12 Dec, 2012 @ 10:52pm 
Hey thanks for the frend contact, is there anyone I can email to help me out a little more on how steam and the game works....I'm having a little tech difficulties...thanks
FuglyVirgin 19 Aug, 2012 @ 9:54am 
Be careful the double dutch jump rope trick has retired a few players!
FuglyVirgin 9 Aug, 2012 @ 9:04pm 
Where have u been meathead I mean meatball?
MAGA 9 Oct, 2011 @ 10:20pm 
Change your name and come join a real team. I'm just recruiting
-OBT- The Kid Think about it.